Cosmic Summary 2024 – "Raiders of the Past Podcast" w/Jahannah James

Cheerio folks, coming live from the Cosmic Summit here in North Carolina: today we will be covering our favorite moments from the summit, new discoveries & plans for the future.


28 thoughts on “Cosmic Summary 2024 – "Raiders of the Past Podcast" w/Jahannah James”

  1. Its scandalous and barely being mentioned in the mainstream media, possibly the oldest least excavated site ever discovered, history rewriting, but nah, leave it for 150 years, can’t be that important 😮

  2. For the future of the podcast, what would be cool is to discuss any new archaeology findings each month for 15-20 minutes and then discuss a topic and bring on a guest. Would be great. Just a thought

  3. Hardstone vases in granite, basalt and such were found in several pre-dynastic tombs and early-dynastic tombs. Most vases found were pottery, but a few vases were of hardstone (non- pottery).

    Some of those hardstone vases found under Djoser's step pyramid had graffiti-like inscriptions of pharaohs/high officials from the 1st and 2nd dynasties.

    This supports to some degree the theory that hardstone vases were possibly pre-dynastic and than found and valuable enough to be buried in tombs from the 1st and 2nd dynasties as heirlooms to later be looted by Djoser who collected them under the step pyramid.

  4. Great live stream you 2. I see this taking off someday soon.

    Speaking of following the evidence. What do both of you think of Ben Davidson's SuspiciousObservers and his micro nova cycle? Aligns with Robert Shock it sounds like. Crazy he wasn't at the Cosmic Summit but I think I know why. Some personality conflicts with some top people presenting as some of them would have to rewrite their books. I know Ben would not be apologizing like Robert was during his presentation.

    Jahannah, You look pail as a ghost on this live. Makeup a little heavy? PSA natural is better and healthier for your body.

    Luke, Celsius is pure poison. There is a chemical in it made from sewage treatment plants that is very similar to cyanide. Yeah I know they claim it's all natural and healthy but it's not according to the health experts not on their payroll.

    PS. They want us all dead and they want to make as much money in the process.

  5. Sandstone, lime stone and even marble are very easy to carve. I saw a building on a Pompei show that had paintings that were every bit as modern as what Leonardo DaVinci was painting 1500 years later. Not flat like the Egyptian paintings. 38 othe sites would be indicative of a City State. Historians want you to believe that prior to writing there couldn’t be Cities and Kingdoms. When it comes to Astronomy the average person 10,000 years ago would know more about the stars, weather and seasons than college graduates today. Even having discovered 12,000 year old Pre-pottery architecture Archaeology pre supposes they are merely rendezvous points for Hunter gatherers. They are pompous asses.

  6. Hey y'all, are you aware of this event that inspired petroglyphs and ancient's mythology? A scientific presentation from Anthony Peratt working on plasma research finding out from their testings years ago that their results of how plasma looks is what ancient people drew on rock, seeing it on sky for some thousand years around the world, due to extensive solar flaring.

    I dont see anyone talking about this important connection with what happened during Younger Dryas.

  7. Can you guys watch certain clips or videos that are trending in this space and give your reactions to it?

    For example, DeDunking made a video about how Flint misrepresented date on JRE debate. Would love to see your guys’ thoughts and first impressions

  8. The vases are interesting to me. I've always just assumed the granite is poured. It's scientifically acceptable granite is formed in magma chambers, in very high temperatures. If the ancients had access to a plasma machine that machine could be used to heat up stone and then reformed according to a desired size. Whether it's giant size blocks for foundations or small vases.
    As for the lid, in Europe the Romans used lambskin for a condom. They worked very well, so it may just have been very practical for the ancients to just use animal skin as well.

  9. The meander origins can be traced back even further! The motif can be found on upper Paleolithic art carved into mammoth tusks from the Mizyn or Mezin site in Ukraine. While not specified if the (what we can call) “Meander Tusks” were directly carbon dated, other mammoth tusks that were found in the same archaeological layer date to about 15,000 years ago! Nice to meet you this past weekend Luke. Keep up the good work 🫡

    “Stuff just keeps on getting older.” -Graham Hancock

  10. Hey Luke, please check out Anthony Peratt's presentation of ancient petroglyphs and mythology inspirations (what you even mention here in video). It is here on YT, video is called "Peratt and Petroglyphs" and in it, Anthony talks about their research on plasma tech and experiments and how plasma looks in different states, which led them to realize that it looks exactly like what ancine tpeople were drawing on rocks, and going down that research on petroglyphs (through plasma) they found out that there were, what looks like, a huge solar flare outbursts fir about a thousand years, constantly seen on the sky. They were able to track its position based on how it looks from different angle around the globe, and also how it changes in repetition, which led to some creation of stories and myths. And iirc, it coincides with some of the dates you are all interested in. Younger Dryas and all that. But it looks like their research was standalone, but they managed to come to the same conclusions about the past.

    Id send a link, but seems like when I do, then YT is hiding my comment. So just search for "Peratt and Petroglyphs", it is about 6 yo video.

    I dont see anyone talking about this and yet, it seems super important and like abig connecting point to all theories of y'all.


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