Cosmic Acceleration: Exploring Space-themed Tracks in Round 2 of Zeepkist ZSL

Embark on a gravity-defying journey as we dive into Round 2 of the Zeepkist ZSL tournament with a space-themed twist! In this video, we’ll be exploring a collection of tracks that will take you on an otherworldly racing adventure.

Prepare to defy the laws of physics as you navigate the intense “Gravity Well” and experience the weightlessness of “Gravity.” Brace yourself for the exhilarating “Street Drop” and maneuver through the treacherous “Asteroid Road” with precision and skill.

Get ready to experience a mind-bending turn at “315°” and embark on a cosmic expedition with the fierce “Space Lion.” Hold on tight as you approach the mind-boggling “Schwarzschild Radius” and embark on the budget-friendly “201 Budget Odyssey.”

But that’s not all—immerse yourself in the vibrant hues of “Holding on to Hue” and feel the pull of the “Caritas Gravitatis” in this space-themed racing extravaganza.

With stunning visuals, challenging twists, and a celestial ambiance, this video promises an out-of-this-world experience for racing enthusiasts. Don’t miss out on the cosmic acceleration and be sure to subscribe for more thrilling updates on Zeepkist ZSL and gaming content. Get ready to defy gravity and conquer the cosmos in Round 2!

0:00 Gravity Shot
1:06 Holding on to Hue
2:07 Gravity Well
3:11 Space Lion
4:16 Schwarzschild radius
5:33 201 Budget Odyssey
6:50 Asteroid Road
7:36 caritas gravitatis
8:26 Street Drop
9:12 315°


3 thoughts on “Cosmic Acceleration: Exploring Space-themed Tracks in Round 2 of Zeepkist ZSL”

  1. Well, it was hard to gauge the difficulty level, especially since i wanted to make a maou tech type track
    I appreciate that you noticed the hologram that not many people see, as not everyone looks at deco
    And the name is just a nerdy physics reference
    Also, the track is made of glass to show the deco better, but i understand how it can be confusing

  2. Fair assessement for the 201 Budget Odyssey 🙂

    It was built very ad hoc. Built the first gas giant with the (tilted) rings first and then added small stuff here and there. Then I had the route finished up about halfway: from Elite ship to outer ring to inner ring and back to the outer ring. But where could I finish it interesting way. The idea of Arthur C Clarke's 2001 Space Odyssey popped up, and it was obvious that the route had to go through the black monolith into a black hole (the stretched dudes representing the spaghettification effect): the end scenes on the Kubrick movie.

    I fully knew it was silly and most hate the idea of blind jumps. But once figured it out, well, I guess it's still silly and most dislike it 😀

    Map making in Zeepkist is art, at least for me. Maps like this are a way to test out novel and interesting track features and ideas. Even competition submitted maps are experimental, because after all, this isn't serious business 🙂

    Once again, very fair assessement and happy to have the map presented on video like this. Good stuff!



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