Coromon Speedrun any%-Insane 4:10:23

1st time finishing a run in 1 sitting.
The run is pretty bad all over tbh, loads of mistakes/deaths and bad luck on lampyre and lumasect encounters.
also wasted ~ 3 mins in thunderous cave thinking I was supposed to catch lampyre there for some reason?
Not sure if I will do another run or not, I think the devs will probably add a setting to disable battle animations at some point, which would speed the game up a fair bit, so I might wait for that.


7 thoughts on “Coromon Speedrun any%-Insane 4:10:23”

  1. Nice run but I have a question. When you fought against voltar and he used is pure essence but why didn't use super punch? Why did he only spam lightning strike. Are you that lucky with voltgar?


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