Cornel West Talks About His Candidacy for President on C-SPAN

Dr. Cornel West for President
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48 thoughts on “Cornel West Talks About His Candidacy for President on C-SPAN”

  1. Come to Arizona Dr. West please. I want to vote for the best not for the lesser of two Evils.. Im 73 and have never voted wholeheartedly yet for any candidate except Obama. Im sorry to say I was very disappointed in him though. I have hope in the seeds you are planting.

  2. Cornel West , 2024!
    Good gawd alrighty 👏 Brother Cornel. I love you, too. I love Tavis Smiley
    Aipec lobbying
    "Truth, love, justice in a moment of barbarity." Sing on!!! Name those singers, blues, and jazz musicians.
    Thank you, Woodie Guthrie!!!
    Keep the truth going!!!
    Don't leave out Paul Roebus, James Baldwin, & Malcolm X

  3. America come together
    Has one human family
    Came from around the world to America and for
    Free from oppression slavery and famine
    Stand up for democracy and protect it
    Do not go back and be oppressed and enslaved
    By deranged psychopaths narcissists
    Politicians and elites
    End the military industrial complex’s
    Humans before weapons

  4. Mr. Cornel is the best candidate for the PRESIDENCY of the United States of America. He has said exactly the same message about our unfortunate situation with Biden as a partner with Netanyahu in the shameful position of our Democratic Party . Trump has fooled so many people who were willing to participate in the overthrow of our Democracy to become a Lifetime President and his brainwashed Supporters are willing to do it again. I am not voting for Biden or Trump. I wish to have Mr Cornel West in the position because of his concerns about our future generations and the Preservation of our Democracy
    His character demonstrates the basics and respect for all people regardless of differences between us. God created us to be brothers and sisters regardless of differences. He reflects the dignity of the position to be truthful and honest. May God help us to do right and get his blessings.

  5. It is no accident that the interviewer highlighted the very high minimum wage instead of other things in the Cornel West campaign. That was an attempt to smear Cornel West and to make him look superficial and out of touch with economics. I am going to vote for Cornel West even though achieving that high of a minimum wage in Congress is not realistic. And if it happened, corporations would simply raise their prices and cause inflation. What the campaign's agenda is doing is basically overshooting that reflects a genuine need to help everyday people. But this interviewer is unable to understand this nuance.

  6. Dr. West's agenda is basically an outline of where a Cornel West administration would focus on. It is not a blueprint of detailed legislation that he would be supporting. I happen to think that is kind of obvious, but there are some people who are so dense or argumentative that they miss the obvious.

  7. Shave a Mohawk, my brother, and show out!!! Fight the fight! We are lucky to have your representation. You have my vote. The most educated candidate. Ask the kids under 30 who can articulate a better message. My kids will tell you the 2 major parties are degenerates. God Bless Dr. West

  8. Cornel is no doubt the Candidate with the best message. I hope he has eclipsed his organizational problems and his still standing come election time. However, keep in mind, the Deep State used the novelty of a Barack (formerly known as "Barry") Obama to fool people into thinking that the raw dog murder of Saddam Hussain and destruction of Iraq was an abberration. Could they use the Humanitarianism of a Cornel West to election-wash their culpulbility in the Palestinian Genocide.

  9. All humans are African. White identity is racist terrorism

    The highest and lowest standards of people (Americans of West Asian African ancestry honoring one of Zeus's mistresses Europe as a separate continent) passing as white and a separate race from the rest of humanity… are morally and intellectually corrupt.

  10. West sabotaged himself when he walked out on the Green Party–and continues to do so by throwing Jill Stein and others from it under the bus, closing the door on building alliances.

    He had thousands of Green volunteers ready to get him on ballots in addition to the more than 20 states the Greens hold.

    And he has what now? Four states?

    With the Greens, he had a real chance at changing electoral politics by getting more than five-percent of voters. And he chose not to do it.

  11. I hate to do this BUT (reality check) Fred Trump (the Manchurian Candidate Agent Orange's father) was born in the Bronx. His adoring son says that the old man was from Germany in order to attract the neo-nazi elements that back him. He'll pretend it's a delusion!

  12. Dr. West pointing out the formula of how every great empire in history fell due to the criteria America is following now is both terrifying and poignant to his vision of trying something different for once.

  13. WOW!
    Great interview and Q&A!
    I always love seeing Dr. West speak so truthfully and clearly.
    I really appreciate those unfiltered calls from diverse folk because it allowed us to see even more of Dr. West's clarity and firm stance on justice and love!


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