Cops Harass Me on Christmas Day and Try to Enforce Feelings

I’ve already did my research and I have had many run ins with deputies on this matter and they agree it’s public property. But now …


44 thoughts on “Cops Harass Me on Christmas Day and Try to Enforce Feelings”

  1. Opinion
    2 types of property
    2 types of access
    Public property, public access sidewalks, roads, govt building during business hours.
    Public property, restricted access
    Govt buildings or areas which must be posted as restricted & type of restriction. Common misconception govt parking only. You can still walk through area tho.
    Private property, public access.
    Walmart, etc.
    Private property, private access 🖕 owner or tenant dictates who and how it's accessed.

  2. Keep that camera working. 👍🏽
    It’s an easement.
    The public has to walk.
    That makes it public right of way.
    Otherwise there should be signs.
    No trespassing.
    Private property.

  3. Dude that's a very good audit but you need to stand up more for your right tell the officer if you're threatening me with the rest then arrest me and I will see you in court and sue this County under your assumption that I was on private or public land

  4. Who do you pay Taxes to if you are in the City Limits of a town that the County Assessor's Office values! Idoits…County Treasurer's Office. The City gets a portion and the County and State gets the rest.

  5. 11:02 you missed a good opportunity. he said we can take it up another day with people and that can show proof. Well why doesn’t the security guard have to show proof? Why does his word mean more then yours?

  6. There is a diffeerence between public property and a public easement. The sidewalk in front of my house is on my property but I am required by law to allow the public access to it.

  7. Unreal buddy totally unreal again lol. This so called property owner thinks he owns the world and the cops are just backing up the clown that thinks he owns the hole world. Again totally unreal buddy. 👍👍

  8. I'm mister big. I own everything,I don't care. Get him off my land. I don't have to show pruff of ownership. Yes master I will violate this man's rights. And get him to move. So I don't loose my job. Cuz I'm that guy that was bullied in school. And became a cop. To protect myself.

  9. Next time point the camera at their faces ,not the ground. Between the road and property line is the public right of way ,the public easement where pedestrian have right of way, that constitution protects a citizen right of freedom of movement . Sheriffs today police their Corrupt evil will and violated the constitution making them traitors and domestic terrorist of USA.

  10. 17 IQ with a 13 year old ego. They literally look for these characteristics to slap a badge on. Smart cops keep the numbers of arrests and tickets down. Dumbshits like this drive the stats higher which makes them more money. They’re not worried about lawsuits because the payouts come from the taxpayers, not the police budget

  11. Cop doesn't know for sure, so assumes the owner is right…
    That's not law inforcement that's guesswork..
    He should check the law for clarity or risk falsely arresting citizen for 1st ammendment legally permitted actives.

  12. Wow, this cop is as dump as a stump. First, he said the county has nothing to do with the city, but the city is inside the county. Second, he can't fanthom that those benches and trees are private too. Third, the cop has no proof its private property and is taking the word of the complainant. Cha ching time. One cop to this cop on scene, get educated on how to conduct a PROPER INVEST!! DO your homework before you eject a citizen off public property. This cop has no idea about easements, etc. He must shop target because he is stuck on it. These cops are seriously stupid, and the chief of police needs to get them some education pertaining to this case.

  13. Omg – what an idiot. A cop saying sidewalks are “private” property. How dumb is he? Have no right to ask him to leave. Ignorant, poorly trained, egomaniac, power tripping, tyrant, bully cops abusing citizens and their rights. Won’t change until we hold them accountable, abolish qualified immunity, and charge them for their crimes.

  14. Nobody, especially some rich guy, would ever think about lying about where the property limits are. 🤣 You'd think a cop would be a bit more in tune with human behavior and realize people will lie in order to get their way, and yes, lie to the police.

  15. This video was a waste to post. If your going to be a coward, keep it a secret. No use stating that you have rights and then act like you don't. Make your actions reflect your words.

  16. You know bro the easiest way to sound stupid is like saying you know bro I researched this 100 times bro. If you can't speak any clearer than a sophomore after blowing a blunt keep your mouth shut put your camera away and go away.


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