Cop Sings God Bless America As A Mans Rights Are Violated.


38 thoughts on “Cop Sings God Bless America As A Mans Rights Are Violated.”

  1. DOMESTIC TERRORISTS EARNING THE HATE WITH EVERY ENCOUNTER. We don’t need to defund the police, we need to REFORM the police and the first two steps would be to abolish QUALIFIED IMMUNITY and INTERNAL AFFAIRS. Make bad cops responsible and accountable for violating their oath and fire them making sure they cant become cops anywhere else.

  2. If this is the case, why isn't someone going from one city to another getting arrested for panhandling in order to sue for violating their 1st Amendment right to free speech? It seems like millions could be made before cities eventually drop these laws from the books. If I had enough money to afford the first lawsuit, I'd move to Florida and take in the money $40,000 per settlement at a time.

  3. I don't understand why the city will sweep the desperately poor people away rather than help them get resources for basic needs. he could've offered to get the guy something from a drive-thru or get the guy a ride where he can get help. the city needs to help the people not just cater to rich tourists who think all poor people are dirty and unsightly

  4. These are the cops that should be made an example of and fired in a public forum.
    But Daytona Beach is a shit hole of a town, has been for decades. They host a couple events a year, other than that it’s a steer clear kind of place.

  5. If the Supreme Court has already ruled on this issue then why are these cities and cops allowed to get away with this. The city attorneys and the city council and the police should be arrested for conspiracy to violate people civil rights

  6. I Really Wonder “How does this make COPS Feel” Doing Sh*t like this? Ohh We Took another Elderly person NOT Breaking a Law just trying to survive, off the Streets today. What a Hero.

  7. Officer Lucifer, I mean Lafaso's police ID is 66033. In numberological computations, the zeros don't count for anything and the 3 & 3 would be summed to 6, literally giving this man's ID as 666 before reducing (that's what it's called when adding the numbers together). But 6+6+6 = 12 + 6 = 18, and one's single digit number would be reduced to 9, in the end. You keep summing numbers up until you get down to 1 digit and unless they are 11 or 22 (called Master Numbers) they wll also reduce to 2 & 4, respectively and then you have your own specific numbers. (and forgive my typose, I'm not seeing well and I'm quite tiered.

    God bless, Fam.

  8. Public Law 108-447, Section 111 , does away with qualified immune , passed in 2004 . Black's Law dic. States Traffic is commercial and Traveler is Someone who travels from place to place . U S Code 241&242 Against the law to stop and harass a Traveler . If you not getting paid to hold the steering wheel , then your a Traveler , all citations are Traffic

  9. What gets me is. They let rich white kids walk up and down the street with liquor in entertainment district. But they want to arrest homeless people. Hope the gentleman surs. But we all know that won't happen

  10. Jeff HART down here is attempting to trespass me for "riding mass transit too often" or using HART to work… They can't make up their minds. I have much of it on video now but I need legal help for the civil matter and maybe even criminal after what they said today.

    Clear title 18 sec 242 violation imo.

    I'm seeking legal help at this time if you know of anyone here in Tampa please RSVP


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