Constellations | Nandor the Relentless | What We Do in the Shadows

And the shapes that you drew may change beneath a different light, and everything you thought you knew will fall apart, but you’ll be all right | Nandor the Relentless + Constellations by The Oh Hellos

(this vid only uses footage from the first 3 seasons, you don’t need to be caught up with the latest eps to watch it)

the thesis of this video can be boiled down to this: Nandor is, fundamentally, a man who is struggling to cope with the realisation that while he has stayed the same for years, the world around him has been changing without his say so. he clings to what he’s always known – for example his image as a relentless warrior – and the boxes he’s put people in, without realising that these things don’t quite fit him anymore. and when he does start to make an active effort to make a change, despite having every good intention, things rarely work out for him because, often, what he’s seeking out in new places, he actually already has. all he needs to do is look around himself and see things in a new light to realise it.

also on tumblr:


11 thoughts on “Constellations | Nandor the Relentless | What We Do in the Shadows”

  1. I already said a little of this in Tumblr but this one of the best edits that Ive seen in A LOT OF FANDOMS!!!


  2. JSKJFJSJ everything he needs to have a good (after)life he already has and it could be enough!! MORE than enough if the Fucking Guy could stop and look around once in a while like damn. you are so correct for this. the montage of him moping and then The Slap™ and then the found familyism like OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD THEY LOVE EACH OTHER😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 if you see me crying no i'm not and if i am as if it's my fault. anw thank you and stellar job fuckingguide what an edit of all time

  3. This is really fantastic! Such a good representation of Nandor’s arc throughout the series. The music the editing the lines and clips you chose it all pushes the meaning so well!!!! This really has to be one of the best tribute/edit videos I’ve ever seen!

  4. Oh man, this… actually made me cry. Oh my god. I don't think I have EVER seen a fan edit video that feels so much like… like this is a full on meta analysis of Nandor's character!! And a GOOD ONE TOO!!

    The way you trace through the causes and catalysts and threads and knots of Nandor's depression, his fears, his loneliness, his insecurities, is FANTASTIC. But then to pull that all together at the end in SUCH a beautiful way by highlighting all that he HAS, his found/chosen family, the people who care so much for him and want to help him?? My heart 😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺

    I love Nandor *so much*, he means so much to me as a character, and this is just a perfect perfect perfect video tracing the intricacies of his character arc over the first three seasons.

    Thank you for making this. Definitely a video I am going to come back to time and again 💕

  5. youtube deleted the comment i left on this video for having too many curse words and i think that should tell u all u need to know about the mouth-foaming mind-altering glass-chewing reaction i had to this video. i can USUALLY watch wwdits without crying, and i can OCCASIONALLY listen to the oh hellos without crying, but TOGETHER?? man. absolutely nauseating


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