Congressional District 14 Debate

Atlanta Press Club Loudermilk-Young Debate Series General Election Debate for congressional district 14. The candidates are Marcus Flowers (D) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R).

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38 thoughts on “Congressional District 14 Debate”

  1. I have no doubt that MTG will hold her seat . She made him look bad just like most of the Republicans have done to the Democrats in these midterm debates . The democrats policies suck and the majority of voters know it .

  2. marj showed her willful ignorance of the DACA program!! It doesn't have one thing to do with drug smugglers. She has just told every DACA recipient living in the 14th District they will be deported if she has her way.

  3. There's a video where she comes out of a building saying that she just got out of a meeting planning for a protest on January 6th against Joe Biden's win. And this whiny liar refers to herself as a victim? How Republican of her.

  4. I hope Marcus Flowers wins! But I wonder what color the sky is on MTG's planet because it doesn't live in this one!! WHAT A DELUSIONAL PSYCHO!!! It's so sad that the republican party is now a creepy christian cult. "The Handmaid's Tale" isn't going to become a reality on my watch! That thing is such an embarrassment!

  5. Good grief, I feel sorry for this district because neither side seems to have a freaking real plan to help their people at all in the end. Too busy spouting hate and making pop shots to be bothered with giving anything but vague policy responses either.


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