Confronting Orthodox Christians on EVERY Controversial Topic EVER @JonathanPageau @dirtpoorrobins

Confronting Orthodox Christians on EVERY Controversial Topic EVER @JonathanPageau @dirtpoorrobins
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29 thoughts on “Confronting Orthodox Christians on EVERY Controversial Topic EVER @JonathanPageau @dirtpoorrobins”

  1. It is God who is all hearing and all seeing .. praying to anyone or asking anyone to pray for you who cannot hear you is the same as praying to an idol. You have God who can actually hear you and can actually answer your prayers why not just pray to him directly ALL THE TIME!

  2. A good, challenging, stretching, and intriguing conversation between these brothers in Christ! What a day we live in that this kind of thing is possible!

    Thanks to you Ruslan for putting the whole thing out there, I think this discussion in particular is well-served by viewing it uncut! đź‘Ťđź‘Ť

  3. May this video be blessed! I recently (6 month ago) was baptized into Orthodoxy. After 30+ years in Protestantism (including a short time as a "Digital Pastor"). I found myself frustrated with all the differences even between the same denominations. Orthodoxy feels like "coming home".

  4. If Luther died as a martyr nothing would have changed. Jan Huss was burned and nothing changed. Luther was called a Hussite after Huss. Then you have William Tyndale who was strangled and then burned by Henry the 8th. Tyndale cried,” Lord, open the King’s eyes.” Then Luther followed after this.

  5. I agree with zeencosis this could've gone on for 5 hours I would've listened to the whole thing. It would be awesome to see this combo as repeat guests. I am new to your show and don't know much about you but would be a regular listener to that episode no doubt.

  6. If the Mother of God had children, why did Jesus Christ, on the cross, leave the Mother of God to John the apostle (John 19:27)?

    Why not James who was a relative ("brother") of JESUS?

    And why is the son of Mary written in the Bible for Jesus? There is no other person who can be called the son of Mary in the Bible.

    In Old Testament is written that Mesia will be born from a virgin that remain virgin after birth (door is shut). (Ezekiel 44, 2)

    If Jessus had had brothers, He didn't was the Mesia.
    You were all great!

  7. It doesn't matter what kind of candle they use
    My asthma and allergies go berserk even with beeswax candles

    I would literally convert today if I could attend and not leave sick 🤢.
    But I can't find one who's hypoallergenic and smoke free

    Even very low grade smoke makes me very sick

  8. Small critique of Jonathan's timeline on Liturgy – and I know he wasnt trying to be super precise – but his statement that "as soon as Christians were not persecuted, they got buildings and began making liturgy" makes it sound like Liturgy was created around the 300s. However, the evidence is that Liturgy was there from the beginning. While there are Liturgies that have been adapted and changed, but claim a source from the first century like the Liturgy of St. James and Liturgy of St. Mark, we have an unadapted Liturgy from a work by Hippolytus called "The Apostolic Tradition" written around 215, where he is recording the Liturgical elements for posterity, because he feels the tradition they have in 215 is beginning to change. So he is recording the "ancient tradition" in 215. Also the Didache, from the first century, while not a full Liturgy itself, is "liturgical" in nature. Also, the greek word in the NT for "service" and the verb to "minister" is literally "Leitourgeo", which is a form of the word we get "liturgy" in English. This is also shown archaeologically at the site of the "upper room" in Jerusalem, which its original layer shows it was made into a church by Jewish converts in the first century and is oriented toward Calvary (Expedition Bible has a great video on this on Youtube). So the Church was liturgical from the beginning.

  9. Without a pope the Orthodox cant agree on anything. They use the Filioque as an excuse to mask the real politial reasons they cant and wont return to the church Christ founded.

  10. I am a Christian. Christ comes FIRST. That is why He is there First – "Christ"ianity.
    "Protestantism" originates from Luther – who tried to remove the Gospel of James from the New Testament. His book "On the Jews and their lies" helped Mr. Mustache (not that he needed an excuse for what he was going to do anyway – it did make it easier for him though). "A bad tree cannot bear good fruit."
    I am not a "Catholic". However, I do recognize that without the Catholic church, after the battle of Vienna in 1683, Europe would have been Muhammadan long ago.
    I see Scripture as to be read. It is the Word of God. And that is why He came to be with us (Emmanuel) – to teach us. Can it be twisted by those who wish to twist it – at least to their own minds? Of course. It can also be twisted by the mouths of men who claim to teach it (see "Prosperity Gospel" and sexual scandals in congregations).
    Christian. Christ.

  11. I do like to express my appreciation for the teachings from the Bless God studio bot. However, I have a concern regarding Calvinism. If Calvinism is a topic you find amusing or disagree with, could you please consider providing an explanation of Romans chapter 9, or perhaps invite a Calvinist to engage in a respectful debate? From my observations, it appears that Calvinism is sometimes treated humorously, which concerns me. Thank you for considering my request.


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