Conan Reaction – Learns How To Survive In The Australian Bush

Conan Reaction – Learns How To Survive In The Australian Bush If you enjoy our style of reactions, please give us a like and …


13 thoughts on “Conan Reaction – Learns How To Survive In The Australian Bush”

  1. If you live in Florida you have to keep an eye on your small pets because alligators will gladly eat them. You too! In the Midwest we just keep our eyes out for tornadoes 😁
    RIP Steve Irwin. You da man. 💝

  2. Hi BP1, omgosh, he thinks he is crocodile Dundee. Another really funny Conan clip, it’s strange as an interviewer on his show, I’m not the biggest fan, but these clips have me rolling. A great funny upload ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  3. I stepped on a funnel web spider many years ago but cos I stepped on it from behind it couldn’t dig its fangs into my foot. I reckon I must have jumped 100 feet in the air when I realised what it was.

  4. Can you imagine Conan’s reaction if he saw all the thousands of Huntsmen spiders hiding underneath the bark of those trees?!
    That would have been great footage 😂😂

  5. Kevin teasing venomous spiders was a bit worrying. I'm sure it was safe, but I felt Conan's nervousness. His 'Crocodile Dundee' costume with requisite huge knife was terrific and 'On Brand'; "this is a knife". 😀
    Being born and raised in the UK would be even less adequate preparation for the Australian Bush. AFAIK, the last UK death due to a native UK venomous snake was about 1975, and that was a boy, not an adult.
    Keep up the Conan. AFAIK, the Australia visit was "Conan without Borders". Conan in Greenland was fun.

    Best Wishes, BP1. ☮

  6. I think Australia is an amazing country, although I hate the thought of living with all of those deadly creatures. I was lucky enough to visit in the 90s but the only scary thing I encountered was a massive huntsman spider, which I was told was harmless thankfully!

  7. I'm Australian, but have never lived in the bush .. and never want to ! .. I'm the type who get nervous when there's a report on the news about an Eastern Brown Snake ( they're deadly ) appearing in someone's back yard in any suburb within a 10km radius of where I live.!😲 .. Thanks for another Aussie-focused reaction, mate .. Good stuff. 👍

  8. I'm Australian and currently live in suburbia, however, did live in the bush for some 13 years in the Northern Territory up the top end of Australia. You get used to seeing everything that creeps, crawls or slithers! Snakes, spiders, scorpions, centipedes, ants, and even hornets that pack a punch with their sting. Nasty creatures. Still see a fair share of spiders in the suburbs and always kill them on sight! Hate them.

  9. And this is why I will NEVER go to Australia! Around every corner is some deadly critter! Those people have balls of steel living there. Nope, not even. Usually I'm the first one to say spiders are our friends, but those are satanic at a level I have no interest in. Conan is hysterical, I love the shit he gets himself into. HOW THE HELL DO YOU LEARN TO LIVE WITH THAT? I felt safer living in East Los Angeles with all the brutal gang wars, I was there during the LA riots and wasn't as scared as I'd be just deplaning in Australia. Great picks BP1.


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