Composition II Fall 2022 Sec 08 Finding and Evolving a Thesis


1 thought on “Composition II Fall 2022 Sec 08 Finding and Evolving a Thesis”

  1. Goodness, i'm kind of baffled that we've reached a generation that doesn't know about Alien and Titanic. But i have a somewhat different opinion to the thesis example. In my case, i think the movie had a bottom-up view of class tension, rather than the top-down as suggested. It tried to show that society only cared about the rich folks and that those rich folks are made up of masked shallow people with no authenticity (because they do not need any) and to show that the poor folks were just actually living life as human beings, and were just as human as the rich ones above, they showed Jack and the lower deck's festivities. The movie, by showing that all the poor people including Jack died and only the rich survived, upheld that echo that goes something like, "Look. Society only cared about saving the rich.. Did Jack not deserve to live?" And the last one is indeed the question most people thought when they saw the scene, hence the movie did it's job in making people ask the question, "Should life be only guaranteed for the rich and not the poor?"

    Wonderful lecture professor, thank you very much.


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