Components Will Be CHEAP Soon – New World

Join me in this New World video as I talk about a potential economy shift coming soon due to the recent update.

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42 thoughts on “Components Will Be CHEAP Soon – New World”

  1. I am feeling that this was not a bug but more like a buff because some of the professions are simply at the insanity level in terms of grinding and the end game content is not about leveling up professions but crafing items with RNG until the end of times hoping to get lucky.

  2. I love this game, 140 hours over last 2 weeks. But tbh as amazing as it is, it still feels like a very unfinished game. Especially the trading post UI. It is so poorly optimized. It could have easily been much better.

  3. Entire game seems to be out of wack. Crazy spawn in one camp, slow as hell in another. Lvl 43 mobs hits for 1k, 50 hits for 300 in the same zone. Lots of oddities the higher you go in the game imo.

  4. So glad for this change. It was well on track to be the thing to burn me out. I enjoy gathering ore etc but running out of flux and sandpaper etc was grinding on me.

  5. With this change I am curious how people are going to make money now. Furniture will be nice at first, but everyone will switch to it causing the value to decrease over a very short time. Not like you actually earn enough gold from quest and etc. Main source of income is the market, and it's been nerfed hard.

  6. They might have overtuned this. I expect another change. I was looting boxes in Restless Shores today, and I was looting crazy amounts. We're talking about 10-25 items at a time. Even several different green materials at a time. One loot, I got four different kinds, all green, and all between 4-9 items each… It's gonna have to be cut back.

  7. Does gear break and get destroyed like in albion online epic pvp battles? gathering and crafting won't mean a damn thing in this game if gear can't be destroyed for good.

  8. seems like a lot of people are confused. this change is specific to refining materials (flux, weaves, sandpaper, solvents) and nothing else. you simply get more of them now when you loot chests. it's a good change because it was a major problem for crafting due to the sheer number required.

    other stuff that you loot from chests did not change in quantity or quality.


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