Commercial Pilot Speaks Out on UFOs | The Richard Dolan Show

Christiaan van Heijst is a commercial pilot and 747 Captain with two decades of professional flying experience. He has close to 9,500 hours of flight time, including over 6,000 hours on the Boeing 747.

In addition, Christiaan has become well-known for his aerial photography, which has been reproduced widely in print and online. His photos have been shared worldwide by media, including CNN, BBC, TIMES, Daily Mail, National Geographic, and more.

During those years he has seen a large array of fascinating things from the sky and even captured some with his camera. The majority of these sightings have been identified and explained, but a couple of them are still genuine unknowns.

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Richard Dolan is one of the worldโ€™s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end but of the all-important question: what happens next?

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Richard has dedicated the last two decades to uncovering the truth about UFOs and, more recently, the dark covert operations known as false flags

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28 thoughts on “Commercial Pilot Speaks Out on UFOs | The Richard Dolan Show”

  1. What a bunch of passive groupie's you have all become. The childish and passive comments make me puke. Yes Dolan is legit, and does decent work, but isnt about time some of you went out under the stars, got some footage, or share an experience, or future desire, or just some form substance!

    All this sickly adoration gets us nowhere. So childish.

  2. Filmed Flying saucers, triangular craft, spheres , Orbs, glowing orange red, green, white, silver and black.ย 
    Bizarre biological UFO / UAP/ cryptid โ€˜ALIVEโ€™ showing up since 2017. Filmed them from high up rooftop level over E. London.
    Dr Von Braun was taken to Roswell crash site he said : Spacecraft was NOT made of metal as we know, it was biological โ€˜ALIVEโ€ !
    Creatures were Reptilian in nature fragile and small, skin like a rattle snake, suckers on finger tips.
    No instrumentation found inside craft. Creature and Spacecraft flew joined as one unit.
    I have observed 2 type of large UFO/ UAP biological, circular and elongated masses morphing,. Consisting of at least 12 egg pod shaped objects, changing position , flying on straight line as one unit intelligently driven. Mind – Blowing !!!ย 
    Observed countless UFO /UAP sightings UK, Australia, USA. Observed several while flying long distant flights.
    Lifetime of experiences now 75yrs still watching, I KNOW they are REAL!
    Biological UFO rarely discussed ? If some UFO are biological what are they shedding flying through our skyโ€™s ?????ย 
    Maybe this is one of the reasons for spraying the sky.
    White spider like webs often found floating down covering trees. Reports suggest UFOs involved.ย 
    We have never been alone throughout Millenia.

  3. Hiya Mr. Richard Dolan. You went to Hicksville HS, right? Perhaps you remember me? The breezeway? My question to you is I witnessed a porthole in my families living room. I must have "tripped" some sort of alarm upon opening my bedroom door. I saw this porthole and then a being that was wearing what seemed like a type of flight suit. The being entered our living room by way of where my father and pregnant mother slept and my baby sister(1) slept in a separate bedroom in a crib.
    The being just walked into the porthole. Then both the being and porthole vanished. Our home was a 2 family Levitt house. Had you experienced anything like this around the same time? I believe 1982-83 November.
    Hoping you get this and answer.
    Thank you.

  4. I am one of the few people who have never seen the types of phenomena that are referred to as UAP/UFOs. But this is a topic that I find truly fascinating and if highly credible sources are witnessing it, then I definitely want to hear more. It does seem that there is some sort of government suppression going on.

  5. i saw the same white light come straight down from above the clouds to earth in a split second in the UK. probably around 7 years ago. i have also seen what looked like a star going towards orion in the clear night sky, it then stopped, went up a little, changed course diagonally and then shot off into space like a bullet….some mad stuff going on up there, watch long enough and you WILL see some strange stuff……another mad one was 2 large orange orbs about 50 yards away and level with me in my car were keeping pace with my car at night, then went ahead of me, shot up into the sky whilst turning like a dumbell turning as if they were connected, then actually came back down to earth in the distance……

  6. Thank you Christiaan for coming out and being honest with what you have seen! We need more people speaking about out what many are seeing. "The first step in counteracting the Intervention (extraterrestrials intervening on this planet) is awareness, but the awareness really is a big threshold because of peopleโ€™s fear, anxiety and failed idealism. Can you face your own fear? Can you face your own vulnerability? Can you face the fact that perhaps you have been really wrong in your assessment of the situation, if you have given it any thought at all?" ~ The Allies of Humanity Briefings ~ The Problem of Human Denial

  7. The object christiaan saw over Spain is very similar to an unidentified object I saw whilst on a plane flying at the bottom of Portugal around 2016ish. A dark missile shaped object shot right under the plane, heading west to east at a crazy speed. It went from under the plane to out of sight in seconds. I wouldn't know the altitude we were at but we were cruising a good bit above the clouds. I'm 99.99% sure it wasn't another aircraft, there was no wings or flame/contrail and it was waay too close. I've thought about it nearly every day since.

  8. This gives vindication to all those Pilot UFO sightings (I don't agree with going back to the "1949" UAP acronym) mentioned in a few of Donald E. Keyhoe's books. My favourite is Flying Saucers Top Secret, the others are good also. I don't like that in general that they concentrate on 2004 reports onward and in general appear to ignore the past. These performance characteristics being talked about today are definitely "not new".

  9. They appear in the sky, when all stars are visible, especially the orion constellation and the moon.
    They are many. I saw hundreds of them already. Some are blinking and imitate stars, some use white and/or red light.
    I "saw" 3 from a close approximity once. It looks like they have 2 white "engines". One of them even circled my apartment for some weeks.16:52 almost, daily ?! Yes I can confirm this.
    25:52 They are not that big. They are way smaller. However they can make a light that is way bigger then they are.
    They not even are as big as half a football field as far as I can tell. They have the size and the shape of a tank on steroids.
    Maybe there are big and small ones and they recharge inside of those red things. Could also be a possibility.
    Once I have enough material I can send you an email. That might take up to 5 years.
    I just discovered all of it and I dont even have a good cam right now.

  10. It's time for all community's to go beyond "IF" we are well beyond that point!
    Now it's purely a matter of"WHAT?"
    Everyone keeps saying these object's can't be human because they defy the laws of known gravity and so on.
    This is almost always assuming that these object's must contain a pilot.
    Some of these object's could be built by humans if you eliminate the need for a pilot?
    There is no dought that some object's are something, let's say beyond human current endeavour and perhaps from somewhere else.
    With the invention of drones we must begin the ask the question.
    "Could humans invent something totally exsotic in nature, unknown to mainstream science?"
    Yes of course it's not impossible,highly improbable, but not impossible.
    We obviously have a multifaceted phenomena here.
    A mixture of phenomena?


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