Comic Book reviews of Kobra Hellboy Marvel Zombies Sweet Tooth Thor Howard the Duck and more

This is an episode of old and/or new comic book reviews. Comic Books being reviewed this episode are: Captain Ginger the Last Feeder 2 of 2, Faces of Evil Kobra one-shot, Flesh-Eating Cheerleaders ’69 one-shot, Giant Robot Hellboy 3 of 3, Marvel Zombies black, white & blood 4, Mortal Terror 2, Scales of the Dragon 1, Sweet Tooth the Return 1 of 6, The Immortal Thor 5.

Please give us a thumbs up, subscribe, rate, review, tell a friend, send questions and comments to [email protected] and you can follow the Under the Cowl of MS podcast where you listen to your podcasts in which I talk about comic books, multiple sclerosis, video games, comic book readings, health and whatever comes to mind. You can also find episodes of Crimson Cowl Comic Club and Under the Cowl, both with episodes I am in. #MS #multiplesclerosis #comicbooks #comicbookreview #newcomicbooks #thor #howardtheduck #dracula #sweettooth #underthecowlofms #hellboy #zombie #kobra #marvel

These are reviews of comic books and whatever else I choose to talk about. To help with cognitive issues from having Multiple Sclerosis I do podcast and videos to help keep my brain strong and beat MS while talking about things I enjoy and my journey with MS.


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