Come Follow Me – John 1 (part 2): "Come and See"

Part 2 of a 2-part verse-by-verse study of John 1 (this part will cover John 1:19-51). This lesson focuses on the identity of John the Baptist, preparing the way of the Lord, receiving the Holy Ghost, calling disciples, Andrew & Peter, Philip & Nathanael, under the fig tree, and more. Join Jared Halverson for your weekly Come Follow Me study of the New Testament!

0:00 Introduction
1:59 The Identity of John the Baptist
10:05 Preparing the Way of the Lord
19:16 Lamb & Dove, Descend & Abide
24:14 Receive the Holy Ghost
29:27 Disciples of John become Disciples of Jesus
34:07 Come and See
38:33 Andrew & Peter
47:49 Philip Called to Follow
52:19 An Israelite without Guile
1:01:08 Called from Under the Fig Tree
1:03:52 Greater Things than These
1:06:00 Conclusion

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46 thoughts on “Come Follow Me – John 1 (part 2): "Come and See"”

  1. Elijahs power and spirit was upon John the Baptist who laid the way for Jesus' ministry. In Luke 1:17 He John the Baptist) will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just. Also, in Matt17:10-13 Jesus's disciples ask Him, does Elijah come first? Jesus responds Elijah has come already, and will restore all things, they did not know Him, and they killed Him like they will kill me, the disciples understood this to be John the Baptist. This is Jesus speaking. John the Baptist dressed like Elijah, both wore animal skins, and had Elijahs character. John was unaware he had the mantel of Elijah. The name is Elijah, not Elias. Elias is not in these scriptures, only Elijah. Again, false scripture being presented here, 2 Peter 1:20 No prophecy in scripture ever comes from prophets own understanding or from human initiative. No, those prophets were moved by the Holy spirit, and they spoke from God. The Word of God is living, it is a living Word. It is powerful and should never be changed.
    In John 1:32 And John bore witness saying I saw the Spirit descending from Heaven like a dove and He remained upon Him. He baptizes in the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist did not know Jesus' identity as the Messiah until after He had been baptized. He always knew Jesus was greatly righteous but after the Holy Spirit came, John realized Jesus is the Messiah. The Trinity is present the Baptism, the Spirit, Jesus and God, three persons, one God. 1Cor 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been given freely to us by God. One needs to be careful what spirit you entertain. It must be God's spirit.
    In John 1:42 it says nothing about seer, just a stone, the definition of the name Cephas.
    The purpose of Nathanal is a demonstration of Jesus being the connection between God and humanity. It shows that God knows everything about you and God has in store wonderful things for us. "I am the light of the world, he who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life", Jesus.

  2. Hey, Brother Halverson! Is there any possibility of holding a once a month Q and A? I was thinking that you could set up an email account where we could send you questions and once a month or whatever you could sit down and answer them in a video? I have lots of questions about things sometimes and though my husband and I discuss things I'd love to hear your point of view!

  3. Bro Halverson thanks 🙏☮️🕊️🕉️🏳️😊🙂😆😊👍🏳️ for sharing your own thoughts 💬🤔🧐💭 and feelings and testimony of the gospel through Jesus Christ and The Sweetest Holy Spirit and The Angels 😇 In Heaven and Heavenly Father during this upload and update and show with me!

  4. Brother Halverson, you have so much knowledge on what names mean from the scriptures! I'm curious to know if you know what the name Helaman means or how I can find out what it means? In all my research I can't find anything

  5. 5 ⭐️- because I needed more ‘Brother of Jared I jumped back to your Isaiah 35 OT episode Amazing how it talks about ‘In The Day’, which go right along with all the Prophet who you have referred to ‘In That Day’. Your description of ‘In That Day’ bought it to me in living color. 🙏

  6. I give Books of Mormon to receptionists in hotels,
    Taxis drivers, people inside the planes, l send them to people in Brazil, I sent it to my manager.
    I am trying to do missionary work the best I can.

  7. If John is pointing his gospel to the restoration, and if the five witnesses of Jesus are representative of the five witnesses of the the restoration, then Andrew would be Joseph Smith, Simon would be Hyrum Smith. The other witness of Christ's baptism is never named. However, it can be deduced that is was John, the beloved, and thus represented Oliver Cowdery (in the senerio I have proposed). Phillip and Nathaniel, along with John comprise the the trio of the three witesses.

    In an article written by John Welch (Timing the Translation of the Book of Mormon
    "Days [and Hours] Never to Be Forgotten”
    John W. Welch), Brother Welch states:

    "For reasons that surely pleased and maybe also surprised Oliver, Joseph took Oliver immediately into his full confidence. Perhaps by comparing the details they had each seen independently in their visionary and revelatory experiences, both of them were completely confident that the other was telling the truth. With that assurance, Joseph allowed Oliver to work as his dedicated scribe, seated only a few feet away at the same small table, as Joseph translated. And Oliver obeyed the Lord’s instruction to “stand by my servant Joseph” (6:18).

    Joseph and Oliver together witnessed Jesus Christ in the Kirkland Temple.

  8. Hi brother halverson, I'm so amaze the way you expound the scripture. I've been following you since the old testament topic. Thank you for the enlightenment in this gospel study. I wish I could share this knowledge to those who have not recieve the gospel yet. @ mario gelvezon.

  9. Hi brother halverson, I'm so amaze the way you expound the scripture. I've been following you since the old testament topic. Thank you for the enlightenment in this gospel study. I wish I could share this knowledge to those who have not recieve the gospel yet. @ mario gelvezon.

  10. That was wonderful, I am amazed so far what Jesus done for me, I just can imagine what he has for me in store, I can’t wait to meet him in person. I saw him in a dream floating on clouds and said to me, come to me no more pain for you, it’s been 47 years now it still seem like it was yesterday, his love stuck on me for years, he is the more handsome person I ever saw, and soft voice like a 12 years old,, I knew him as soon as I saw him.

  11. I heard this from another Come Follow Me video where they distinguished the Question Christ asks "What seek ye?" vs the question Satan asks "What do you want?"
    Christ's question involves effort and making a decision to go after something to pursue.
    Satan's question is the opposite to have it given to you without any effort on your part.

  12. Hi, I enjoy your weekly podcasts on Google Podcasts but this week's – John 1 – has not shown up there yet. Any ideas? Has anyone else had issues with the audio-only version of this week's Unshaken Saints not appearing? Thanks

  13. Hi Jared, the John1 podcast ist still not available on Spotify, really miss scripture study when commuting in the morning and evening. Do you keep posting on Spotify podcast?

    Kind regards,
    Robin F. from Germany

  14. 00:28:00 I never learned football, never watched a game, but I appreciated your description to it and how that relates to our receiving the Holy Ghost.

    00:29:20 “Jesus did that work.” Thank you for that. I keep seeing Jesus as so perfect that He did it effortlessly. But there was effort.

  15. thanks many times over and over. crazzy how things people and words n the phrases used easly pass by. but with the understanding of the past. and of the upcoming. only a few do willingly from within and use the time to discusse what it is. struggling is all around. let us learn from that

  16. It is always fun to hear others tell the story of the conversion of my 4th great-grandfather, Artemus Millet and the role he played in the coming forth of the Kirkland Temple. I didn't know about him or his story until I was an adult. My patriarchal blessing says I came through a long line of noble ancestors. His choice to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and be baptized by Brigham Young had a profound influence of my membership in the church today. He had no way of knowing when he made that choice the impact that it would have on so many of his future relatives.

  17. I love your discussion about receiving the Holy Ghost. I didn’t actually begin to understand until last year (I am 68) that we continually qualify to receive the Holy Ghost. Your football analogy was excellent.

  18. Took 36 minutes but you finally got the spirit to smack me in the face. By the way the last episode was so amazing the entire episode, part one I mean, felt like the spirit filled the room. I thought Philip meant someone who loves horses in Greek. Anyway good job.


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