Combat Arms Reloaded 2022 Valofe gives you the ugliest item in the boxes you buy with gp

I bought about 3 boxes of these and nothing good ever came of it, last time I won a 4-slot nemexis backpack, the truth is that I didn’t care because I had that backpack permanently and I sold it because I didn’t read well and lost it, when I lost it I won I felt good because I recovered something that I had, because for the use the truth is that I use another one and they do not take up space in my inventory, but in this video you can see if you put slow motion as the worst prize was the one that gave me the box and coincidentally the best one stayed down hahahaha I don’t know if it happens to them that the legendary is up or down, what crap that’s why the game is more and more lonely, believe me I really want a job in valofe for 1 month and you would see how I revive this game because it is very good for him to die for people who put a lot of money and that is why he beats you


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