Colleen Ballinger's Brother Could Be Worse Than She Is

Colleen Ballinger’s, Trent Ballinger, is also sliding into the dms
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41 thoughts on “Colleen Ballinger's Brother Could Be Worse Than She Is”

  1. As someone who was born with severe hearing loss, I'd say he is 100% full of horse's fecal matter. I deal with this type of ignorance almost daily. I know I can't do anything about it, but it still makes me sick and tired of it when people conflate hearing loss to mental disability.

  2. i highly doubt the commenter who insisted they're in the ASL field is truthful about that because that is not indicative of anyone who works with deaf people, beyond the obvious ableism. lol. it reads like a teen wrote it tbh.

  3. well. the 13yo is also kinda retarded for joining it. Youre not fkin braindead till you reach 18, youre capable of decision making. everyone was 13, did you really saw an adult do something and immediately wanted to do it as well? if so, we as society should really embrace a bit more of natural selection. You as 13 yo can clearly see that something is wrong here, fk, a 4 year old would know something is wrong there.

  4. …I’m Deaf but I graduated college, English is my first language, wrote NORMAL PAPERS, excelled in English and Lit on high-school, and currently working on a full length novel…


  5. I don't think jojo's a victim, I think she's smart enough to recognize that. But I do think that Koleen was just more careful around her because she's too big and not as vulnerable as the others. If she said anything, everyone would have heard and Koleen would have been done for

  6. the defense of “developmental delay” doesn’t even matter bc he clearly knew what he was doing was wrong when he said that he isn’t supposed to talk to anyone who’s under 18…

  7. Why are all these people terminally online always having gender identity issues? Being transgender is such a chance in a billion – can we stop normalizing this Trans Trender shit?

  8. It's a classic for a groomer to tell their victims not to tell anyone they are talking to you. Kids want to be adults so bad. When an adult gives them attention they want to protect that. And come to the defense of said adult.


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