[CoH2][OKW v USF] Propagandacast #3473 Caesar v Angreifen

A 1v1 on Kholodny Ferma between Feuersturm and Airborne. A brutal close quarters battle awaits today with back and forth fighting, chaos and madness.

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12 thoughts on “[CoH2][OKW v USF] Propagandacast #3473 Caesar v Angreifen”

  1. One of the few times when a much smaller force won despite the odds against them – although one can say that the losing side's lack of initiative in stabilizing VPs and getting distracted (by sensible flanking attacks no less) was just as big of a factor in how things turned out.

    Thanks for the cast!

  2. Скоты хороши даже чрезмерно есть смысл играть только за американцев через них..Два Джексона вместо пушек четыре бузуки на пехоту..

  3. Unreal, agriefen played the most meta way possible and ceaser is so much better than them at PLAYING the game he won, despite the Allied bias! Triple scotts, jacksons and at guns….couldnt be more cancerous


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