Codex Chaos Knights – Full Rules Review

Let’s talk through Codex Chaos Knights and what the dread househlds have to offer in their new incarnation…

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0:00 Intro
1:06 Contents
3:11 Core Rules
6:53 Iconoclast and Infernal
8:55 Harbingers of Dread
17:04 Stratagems
31:42 Favour of the Dark Gods
47:06 Warlord Traits
50:01 Relics
56:45 Psychic Powers
1:00:03 Secondary Objectives
1:03:27 Dread Households
1:14:32 Fell Bonds
1:19:10 Knight Abominant
1:22:09 Despoiler, Rampager and Desecrator
1:30:05 War Dogs
1:34:14 Knight Tyrant
1:38:21 Closing Thoughts


35 thoughts on “Codex Chaos Knights – Full Rules Review”

    – The Turn 5 Doom Ability means two models flee on an unmodified 1 (not one on an unmodified 1 or 2 as I said). About the same power there.
    – I managed to switch the points on the Despoiler Gatling Cannon vs the Battle Cannon – the Battle Cannon is 50, the gatling cannon 60. Definitely slants things a bit more in favour of the battle cannon there.
    – Also if you double up on Despoiler weapons the unit cost ALSO increases by 20pts, so it makes sense to mix and match.
    – The Subjugator Machine Spirit also allows you to advance and charge in the favoured ability – very nice IF you can trigger it early.

  2. Damn. 40K really requires high IQ levels in order to keep up with all the add-on rules which want to be combined in fancy ways. And people try to tell me that Infinity is complicated, lol. Well, my wallet is happy. I'm probably gonna buy a single box just for the fun of building and displaying and maybe One Page Rules has something fun to offer.

  3. How effective would be Despoiler with War Borne Stalker, Eager for the Kill + Knight Diabolus, The Diamonas and Worthy Offering?
    Can the favor be triggered multiple time?
    Thinking of deestriking him, killing character or vehicle and whatever he can just to fade away and do it again.
    Probably not the most cost effective but it would be fun.

  4. This codex looks good. I'm not too worried about durability, there are durability increases in there. Lots of firepower, some really cool layers rules for progressive game development that act as a rubber band effect, and lots of options for new units.

    I don't think this codex is broken, but I think theres a lot of doom and gloom for no reason. I think FW knights still have something important to offer, which is great, because I own several of them.

    I'm looking forward to putting my CK army on the table. I think this book is pretty solid.

  5. So Tyrant class gets basically nothing? Strange choice geedubs, I would have at least given them 1 relic maybe a generic one that could apply to either variant.

  6. Could someone who understands explain “coruscating hate” it’s one of the psycho powers but it appears to just be smite with something else tacked on. I’m not entirely sure what it’s use is besides maybe getting off more mortal wound damage?

  7. Im sure it isnt intended but if you took a dreadblade with the favoured ability that is -1S and -1T as an ally for Death Guard would that aura stack with their contagions of Nurgle?

  8. Gone through the video again and took notes. Wow. So many layers, there has to be something broken in this all. Cannot wait to get it on the table.

  9. Are the fell bonds detailed in this vid. I have been jumping around to try to find but can't locate. If someone could please timestamp I'd be hugely grateful as want to consider soup value.

  10. for the war dog charge stratagem, its still useful as it keeps the reroll strat for another charge roll/if you used it on the first charge.
    doesn't cost any more points so go for it.

  11. I'm so tired of GW giving us Combat Attrition and Morale bonuses as if they're worthwhile tactics.
    If every army were susceptible, maybe.
    But at this point, even an army built around morale synergies is completely useless against some armies/chapters

  12. So if I'm taking 3 wardog dreadblades for a CSM army, do I have to do a felbond for each one individually, or do they share one across the 3?
    I'm genuinely perplexed, I need to actually read the book when I can get my hands on it.

  13. These changes hurt me in a way I didn't expect: the Forge World knights.
    With the previous wording I (thought I) could use the Veil of Medrengard on a Porphyrion. Alas, now that it specifies war dog or abhorrent, no longer.
    Similarly, I am really going to miss Vow of Dominance.

  14. Take a knight abominant
    Give him blessing of dark master
    Give him the +1 wound cast and the 5+ fnp
    Give him biomechanic infusion
    When you hit your tally you get:
    A knight wich only can be hit on 4+ get wound on 4+ have 5/4+ (bullstrata) invuln against shooting
    a5+ fnp
    Can stand up on a 4+ (ts can reroll this with his infernal master)
    If the biomechanical infusion gives the right keyword (not shure) you can heal it up in cc
    And as a dread you can take this pakage in every chaos army easy…

    When i read right you must only kill a unit to gain all his wounds (datashild?) For tally…
    So scrab a transport near death kill it with knight for fullfill your tally…
    Sounds pretty tanky in my opinion…

  15. The slanesh upgrade with run and shoot can be funny with a desecrator
    With his gun he should be complete the tally with ease in shooting (even more with the relic one)
    And then can charge in the same turn…
    Can be fast and deadly

  16. Rampager
    Give him two wlt
    +1 a and +1a in enemy dz
    Give him the relic sword for +1 attack
    Take him as iconoclast for +1 a
    Makes 9 attacks
    Strata for +1 roll in swingmode
    Makes him khorne for exploding hits on 6 when reach tally
    Give him dreadhold for another exploding hits on 6
    See enemy melting by tapping them in cc…

  17. So up to 3 dreadblade wardogs eh? So if new Chaos space marine codex does have option for traitor guard too plus the cultists, you could make Bloodpact army with 3 Stalk Tanks..? Nice….

  18. Really vibing the idea of just buying 2 Knight Box sets, set up as 1 Abominant with 2 War Dog Stalkers charging up field and 1 Despoiler double gun platform with 2 War Dog Brigand's just obliterating everything from the back field. Thats roughly 1500pts for a simple army. House Vextrix maybe for some re-rolls up back and make the abominant warlord for some extra wounds and re-gen as you move up field. Could even add the +2" relic so he keeps up with the War Dogs pushing up field and gets some extra damage once he's in.
    I mean it works in my head anyway probably not on the table lol


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