Climate Activists Target Andy Warhol's 'Campbell's Soup Cans'

From throwing soup on paintings, to now targeting paintings OF soup: Two climate activists from the group Stop Fossil Fuel Subsidies wrote in marker over the glass protecting Andy Warhol’s ‘Campbell’s Soup Cans’ in Canberra, to highlight the fact the Australian gov’t spends ‘$22,000 a minute to subsidize fossil fuels’
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40 thoughts on “Climate Activists Target Andy Warhol's 'Campbell's Soup Cans'”

  1. Protesting is one thing, but defacing property is arrestable. Maybe that's what they want. Better would be to work together to solve the problems. Trouble is that some people don't want to work together, so this happens.

  2. I'm not sure I understand.. why? Or what does an Andy Warhol painting have to do with anything? Also that piece of art is covered glass I thought? Why are activists targeting art work?… When George Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis activists completely destroyed parts of the city .. for what? Also some businesses destroyed were owned by minorities … That's really handing it to the Man … Any time there are protests why do some folks resort to violence and destruction?

  3. Stupid, worthless creatures. They can destroy, or try. But, have they created anything? This approach does not persuade me to imbrace their cause, it makes me want to oppose them harder.

  4. I can’t understand what good does these destructive tactics do to stop global warming. Excuse me, can you use your time more wisely by doing something like planting trees and plants appropriate for a certain region. Wake up and stop wasting your time by attempting to destroy the valuable parts of our society. You are NOT helping anyone by doing this.

  5. Climate activist but they are using aerosol spray paint, really.
    I support saving our planet but this is vandalism. Another example of ignorance under mind control falsehood in our country.


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