CLG vs TSM | Week 5 Day 1 S13 LCS Spring 2023 | CLG vs TSM W5D1 Full Game

TSM vs CLG W5D1 S13 LCS 2023 Spring – TSM vs CLG Game 1 lol eSports NA LCS 2023.
LoL eSports S13 LCS Regular Split 2023 – CLG vs TSM League of Legends NA LCS 2023 CLG vs TSM VOD 1080p Full HD.
Fourth match of the day – CLG vs TSM best of 1.
TSM vs CLG W5D1 full game in HD 1080p.

Counter Logic Gaming Line-up:
Dhokla – Top Sion
Contractz – Jungle Elise
Palafox – Mid Sylas
Luger – ADC Lucian
Poome – Support Nami

Team Solomid Line-up:
Solo – top Renekton
Bugi – jungle Maokai
Maple – mid kassadin
Neo – ADC Caitlyn
Chime – support Karma

Patch: 13.3 – Season 13
Game date: 23.02.2023 | 02/23/2023 | February 23th 2023
Game place: Riot Games Arena
Casters: Kobe and Raaffaa

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S13 LCS Spring 2023 – Week 5:
S13 LCS Spring 2023 – Week 4:
S13 LCS Spring 2023 – Week 3:
S13 LCS Spring 2023 – Week 2:
S13 LCS Spring 2023 – Week 1:
S13 LCS Spring 2023 All Games:

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18 thoughts on “CLG vs TSM | Week 5 Day 1 S13 LCS Spring 2023 | CLG vs TSM W5D1 Full Game”

  1. This probably doesn't matter at this stage of the game but Solo trolled his recall at 39:10, elise w doesn't follow into the bush unless it has vision of you (even if its locked on it will stop if you drop vision from it) or was casted into the bush (too far from bush to cast w into the bush/close to bush) so he should have known that the bush he was recalling in was warded.

  2. No Kraken is so criminal how do these LCS players build worse than me in gold? You’re Caitlyn, longest aa in the game, and the hardest dive the enemy has is…solo sylas diving? Oh and they have an Uber tank? Yeah I need gale force in my champ with a dash for sure. This is literally things every solo q player should be thinking in their losing screens and pro players worldwide 44:22 seemingly don’t even care. And then the renekton pick. Oh man oh man. This pick trolled maple so hard. Every fight maple can’t go in because they have no engage or frontline because renekton gets 1 shot late game. That was the real thing I think solo (ha) lost the game. That elder fight actually looks super winnable when maple is over the wall by tri brush and CLG are all 1/2 hp, if you engage then their sion has to walk up to tank at 50% and maybe you actually kill him, same with sylas. BUT TSM can’t go in decisively because whoever engages is going to get one shot. Last thing, all I’ll say is imagine solo was on ornn 😢.

  3. 1. Luger has been playing so well this split, really nice seeing him take a step up, playing MVP like…ish if it was just a vacuum around him
    2. Great to see teams like CLG and GG getting so much better, and MAKE NO MISTAKE! it's directly because of all the imported talent making the entire league better, on some rising tide lifts all boats type stuff. It's forced these orgs to strategize better, think about the game differently, change play styles, macro is better, and not to mention forces team fighting and individual play to be much better, you can tell that CLG and GG have been putting in the work, players can just rest on their talent any more and the region is so much more fun to watch because of it. Still have a long way to go before we catch up to the other regions but at least they are taking steps forward to at least try to change instead of seeing the same old shit every year.

  4. 1. welp. renekton with a goredrinker vs sion with a jakshaw. who could have expected that outcome xd.
    2. nami lucian also just super strong dps combo with cc and mobility IMO clearly superiour to a cait + karma
    3. maokai was a good pick for them but a sylas with mao ult is just the better maokai.
    4. kassa was also a good pick but with that toplane giving no frontlane, not taking out any dps and not applying much cc, they can always shut down kassa by dps focus
    5. unlucky for the kassadin team, it was a mountain soul. at the same time, sion was like "oh yeah baby".
    6. the spidy wasnt as important IMO but some nice early ganks + cc helped it.

    also what i noticed is that TSM always (especially drakes) pussed off in the fights, while CLG had time to concentrate the "last guy gets bitten by the dogs" before TSm reengaged, already in a disadvantage. in the later stage yeah, was obvious they were behind so i can understandm but earlier? they never really committed- maybe thought "lets wait till kassa is…" or smth idk.

    just some thoughts from a pl4 pleb, dont hate me 😀


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