Civilians in Kherson are in a ‘really desperate situation’ | Christina Lamb

“Russians have been shelling the people fleeing and the people trying to help them.”

Christina Lamb, Chief Foreign Correspondent of The Sunday Times, tells #TimesRadio what life is like under fire in Kherson in the aftermath of the Nova Kakhovka dam disaster

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31 thoughts on “Civilians in Kherson are in a ‘really desperate situation’ | Christina Lamb”

  1. As a reasonable person, a family man with children to protect, so I understand the implications of a war of the west versus Russia (so I don’t want that); I think the time has come where we need to face Russia down properly. The writing is on the wall. To protect humanity, it is time, in my opinion, to send NATO in to Ukraine. It would actually be a perfectly reasonable thing to do. Up to Putin how he reacts to that, but we need to make him backdown or face the full consequences.

  2. Christina Lamb has a deep empathy for all she writes about and reports on; I have many of her books. She should have an award for bravery, because it takes tremendous courage to enter a war zone and bring back factual truth to us ordinary people. Thank you Times Radio and to Christina Lamb for this impressive video.

  3. Putin does not play by the rules, only the training he received in the KGB; torture, fear, intimidation, and weak points, clearly seen in the past 3 decades of his 'reign'. Then one day a nation stood up to him for truth, freedom & transparent government.A wake up call to us all.Although far from perfect, living in a Democracy is better than under Tyranny. Slava Ukraini from Aussie.

  4. Thank you for conducting this interview with someone on the front line in Kherson and telling the real story. Please find more eye witnesses. The world needs to know what's really happening there.

  5. Why is "the West" doing nothing? Why is the UN doing nothing? It seems Putin can do whatever he likes….as he has for decades and the only reaction from the 'democracies' is "Tut tut Russia". Sunak prefers to talk about AI and the wonders of Brexit. War crimes in Ukraine? нет

  6. Time to put NATO boots, in a humanitarian role, on the ground in the Kherson region. Of course, they would need to have carte blanche to take whatever action is needed against anyone obstructing such a mission of mercy.

  7. Orikhiv … Tokmak to Melitopol WE KNOW HOW THE AMERICAN GENERALS ARE TRYING TO CUT OUR THROATS” LIKE SADDAM HIGHWAY OF DEATH route80..1.Putin has placed his best presidential guard units for this fight !! 2. If?? Western weapons can smash through these Russian soldiers who are better paid ready to die for the motherland THEN Putin will have NO Option BUT use tactical weapons …….

  8. Earlier on Putin claimed that the people living in East Ukraine were Russians and his main reason for invading Ukraine. Since then the Russian military has distroyed all civilian infrastructure in East Ukraine and is still shelling the civilians!! Are all Russians born liars?? I get that impression. 🤔

  9. The big news is the unfolding disaster of the greatest counteroffensive of all time.
    So the Times gets this propagandist on for a spot of distraction.

    None of this needed to happen, it was all caused by the Zbigniew Brzezinski plan to take down Russia by expanding NATO to it's borders and placing first strike nuclear missiles there.

  10. It is indicative of the wanton barbarity of the Russian regime and military that they are wasting ammunition and tying up artillery shelling civilians in a city that poses no threat, whilst they are losing ground on the main front. Institutionalised insanity.

  11. The Russians are inhuman. They have no regard their own people let alone the Ukrainians. This is a society which is not like we are in the western democracies and we must recognise that fact. Stalin killed more of his own people than the Nazis ever did, so we should not be surprised by their actions. They will destroy everything if they are forced out.


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