Civil War 2024 In the Shadow of the Moon, Hydras, 3 injections, Time Travel

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28 thoughts on “Civil War 2024 In the Shadow of the Moon, Hydras, 3 injections, Time Travel”

  1. Casey and YT family: Urgent prayer request for my wife and I. Been in trial all this week.. my mother is suing us and over the next 12 hours the jury is deliberating. Asking the The Lord to perform a miracle and the Truth be revealed and lies exposed in a mighty way

  2. I check in my news feed on google and it shows that 14 hours ago there was an article posted talking about the hype over the internet of an easy trick to put a wire/thread through a needle.
    So interesting since I just watched this video I comment on. And you saying about the needle too.

  3. There are 88 keys on a piano. The pianist was killed in 1988 (if I got that right).
    Piano starts with letters Pi
    42 = Pi (3.14) = 3 x 14 = 42
    314 was mentioned at the hydra address , and can be seen on the document (number was 3014ā€¦.)
    Pi = circle = portal / Infinity – shape of the moon (round)
    Thereā€™s a neon sign in the chefs kitchen saying open 24 hrs.
    Cooks cook in round pots, heā€™s delivering a dish on a round plate.
    Busses have wheels which go round and round.

  4. Time ripples out and repeats.. literally. The civil war will happen, as itā€™s already happened. Itā€™s a ripple from the past. Everything is.. including your own life

  5. In the book the great controversy she says there will be anarchy then civil war before they legislate Sunday worship which is the Catholic religion.the pope wants the world to worship him and on his Sabbath day of Sunday God's 7th day Sabbath is the true sabbath.on saturday.the pope tells us more than once that Sunday is his mark.ppl that's the mark of the beast.beast means kingdom in the bible.all the world wondered or followed the beast.most ppl will go along with this false worship or they can't buy or sell thereby losing their soul to Satan bc revelation says that Satan gives him his seat and great authority.the pope is the antichrist and the reformers all told us this right according to Daniel and revelation.and yes it's all a set up.both parties sit at the same table and tell us lies.says that in the bible.cause the ppl to rise up against each other then a civil war.theyvate all in it together and if you go and study you will c that they all bow to the pope and do his bidding.rome controls all aspects of trade music communication you mame it

  6. The planet will not be saved from any climate change.thevworld will be destroyed this time by fire and the real climate change will be the 7 last plagues.the devil has a counterfeit for everything God does

  7. 24:30 "Any day now they're gonna start reporting on children with supernatural abilities…" Haven't they started doing this already? This comment might be deleted if I mention the "A" word – but you get my meaning if I talk about being on the spectrum, and neuro-typical, and Greta Thunberg describing her condition as a "superpower". And what has been the debate about the origin of this generation's uptick in numbers?

  8. Someone else commented about Despicable Me 2, and I commented on theirs, but it doesnā€™t show ā€œ1replyā€ so Iā€™m copying it here!

    In Despicable Me 2, The vaccinated turned into psycho, purple, crazy haired minions. A few minions painted themselves purple to disguise themselves, and when the masses saw that they were not vaccinated, they went insane chasing after them.

    Minions are there to do the bidding of the most evil person they can find. They became the army the does the bidding of the evil one. He didnā€™t have to kill the unvaccinated. His vaccinated minions did it for him.

    The goal of the evil ones is to rule the planet. We all know you canā€™t escape by painting yourself purple. Jesus is our only hope!


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