Church At War (with Jacob Reaume) – The Caldron Pool Show: #44

When the Canadian government ordered churches to close, practically everyone complied. But some pastors led their churches to assert the supremacy of Christ over all things and especially Christ’s church and her worship. In this episode, Evelyn Rae chats with Jacob Reaume, one of the courageous Canadian pastors who took on the beast during the height of C19 madness.

Pastor Jacob has recently released a must-watch feature-length documentary about the church’s ordeal. You can watch the film, or the trailer by visiting the links below:

“Antichrist and His Ruin”

“Antichrist and His Ruin” – Official Trailer


2 thoughts on “Church At War (with Jacob Reaume) – The Caldron Pool Show: #44”

  1. Timestamps and summary:

    00:00:00 Intro

    00:03:30 The Canadian govt changed the narrative from '2 wks to flatten the curve', to 'We need to lockdown to save the healthcare system'.

    00:04:44 Pastor Jacob knew immediately this was an intrusion on our God-given rights, but gave the govt the benefit of the doubt for 2 wks to see if they'd change the narrative and show that they were lying.

    00:11:20 Pastor Jacob Reaume's church had property seized, millions of dollars in fines and contempt of court charges laid on them.

    00:13:40 Pastor Jacob's church has had to pay $120k fine up front. Outstanding fines are: the church has $60M, Pastor Jacob $1.2M and the Elders $500k + each.

    00:16:27 The govt's tactic to cower and divide the board of Elders failed.

    00:16:53 Ps Jacob & his Elders celebrated that they were persecuted for righteousness' sake & defied the order to stop church meetings.

    00:19:16 The 'Pandemic' was one of the 1st moments in the West that the church was tested recently to see if it would stand up to 'Caesar'.

    00:21:45 We need to deal w/ govt overreach now so our children don't have to deal w/ it in the future.

    00:23:57 Canada had to physically fight for its independence, but it was lost it 100 yrs later. Recently there has been the problems of mass immigration, the dumbing down of the education system & forgetting Canada's history. Canada's god is the govt.

    00:25:00 Wherever your ultimate authority comes from, that is your god.

    00:25:43 Lower Courts have ruled that the government might not have acted properly, and admits that church & individual rights were violated, but said they needed to give deference to the state.

    00:28:21 Ps Jacob's church sings imprecatory Psalms and prays imprecatory prayers against the govt so God might judge them.

    00:31:16 Ps Jacob's church eventually got permission from the courts to get its building back.

    00:32:25 Ps Jacob gave a theological justification for conscientious objection to not taking the 'vaccines'.

    00:34:02 The cops eventually refused to go to the church and left them alone as the church 'resisted the Devil'.

    00:35:10 The men in the church stalled cops to protect the women from being ticketed by the cops as they left church.

    00:38:28 God used this time to train and bond a generation of Elders & leaders in the church, & bring new people into the church.

    00:39:46 Pastor Jacob's daughter wrote a letter saying if he went to jail she'd be proud of him.

    00:42:53 Ps Jacob and the Elder's wives were fully supportive of their actions and said 'You have to do this.'

    00:44:29 Ps Jacob made a documentary called 'Antichrist & his ruined church at war.'

    00:45:49 An Antichrist is when the power of Satan takes over the the mechanisms of the state, a church, human institutions or people.

    00:47:47 Canadian's rights came from Bunyan's time because Christians then resisted the Antichrist, prayed & it resulted in The Glorious Revolution.

    00:48:54 The Antichrist used a false teaching of Romans 13 to tempt John Bunyan to compromise then, and the Antichrist used the same tactic during the recent 'pandemic'.

    00:50:59 Bunyan was told he had gathering limits on his church services, just like churches did during the recent 'pandemic'.

    00:54:56 The govt takes on the role of Christ by defining 2 men can be 'married', boys can be girls, & that the govt can control the environment.

    00:58:24 The churches that resisted the tyranny are thriving. Ps Jacob's church is preaching a gospel of repentance & doing baptisms most Sundays.

    01:00:41 The Gospel Coalition Canada has lost their influence. During the 'pandemic', most of the church violated all of the 10 Commandments.

    01:02:54 To access Ps Jacob's documentary, go to

  2. Hi Evelyn enjoyed you Show on church and war ,there is another Book out by Chuck Baldwin, from Liberty Fellowship in Montana, a out Romans 13 a read for every Christian
    God bless
    Theo& Lee Gerber


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