Christian ASMR ~ Whispering Psalms 1- 5 + My Thoughts

#bibleASMR #christianasmr #psalms

Hello! I hope your week has been well ๐Ÿ™‚ Todays video is pretty chill, just wanted to keep it short, simple, and sweet. Let me know your thoughts, video ideas, prayer requests, etc. in the comments below. Also, it was hot when I filmed this so I had to keep my air running so I wouldnโ€™t overheat in my closet. Luckily itโ€™s just a slight hum and nothing too distracting. God bless you all and thank you so much for your continual support!!

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40 thoughts on “Christian ASMR ~ Whispering Psalms 1- 5 + My Thoughts”

  1. Sick and been rough trying to rest the past couple days. This is so soothing and refreshing. Thank you sis, and pray your efforts are fun and impactful for you as you move forward with exploring content creation ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ช

  2. I remember watching one of your videos a few years back as a nonbeliever. I am now honored to say I join you as a believer, I live my life through him. Thus far I am more grateful to be alive

  3. Hi Gabby!! I praise God for your channel and for bringing you to Christ. Thank you for all the time and work you put into your channel and videos. Keep glorifying our Heavenly Father and walking with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My love and prayers go to you and your channel. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ™โœ๏ธ

  4. Wow this really spoke to me and just like set an alarm off in me. Someone I really recommend watching who is in NC is Arthur Bailey Ministries. It might be really different from anything youโ€™ve heard or seen, but it is biblical truth and all backed up with Gods word. โค

  5. I am so thankful you are posting videos again. May God continue to strengthen and help you as you encourage us. Thank you for your videos! They are a wonderful blessing to us!!!

  6. wow God is SOOOO good. iโ€™ve been reading psalms and before i clicked this video, i had just finished reading/meditating on psalms 5. this whole week iโ€™ve been reading a psalms before i go to bed! God bless you & thank you for this video, may God continue using you as a vessel๐Ÿค

  7. Itโ€™s wonderful to see that youโ€™ve made a return recently. You have always been such an inspiring and beautiful voice to your community and I always firmly believe that peoples faith can give a great deal of security in difficult and uncertain times. Faith and ASMR can be extremely healing for people in alot of pain. On my hardest days I often turn to people like you and I think alot of your viewers are the same. Knowing people like you are out there for me or anyone else going through a dark time is a powerful source of hope for everyone. Youโ€™re a great force and presence for good. Thank you for being here.

  8. Pretty sure the Lord mentioned something about pleasing your spouse and him and he'll want to know what he said about it but I just know he mentioned it

  9. I applaud you, for being so honest and upfront about where you are as a child of God and weโ€™re you need to grow. Youโ€™re not alone. We are all still learning and growing and being transformed by the Grace of God everyday itโ€™s true that what we must be able to identify truths and false doctrines but Iโ€™m learning the best thing we can do is stay true to Godโ€˜s word, and try our best not to go outside of that, I pray for your strength and understanding and that you just allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you into all truth of His Holy word and His true nature of Jesus Character. I myself pray this prayer for me as well it can be a handful sometimes but you have a community that is with you. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพโค๏ธIโ€™ve also learned that weโ€™re in The Body of Christ together so when one struggles we all struggle. May God be glorified through you!

  10. Love watching your videos when I am Bible studying or off to sleep. Great videos keep them going! ๐Ÿ˜Šโค. The occasional breathing very nice as well! ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚ zzzzz ๐Ÿคค

  11. This is my first time watching a Christian asmr video. My faith has come and gone throughout my life, hard times made me doubtful and the scary times brought me back. Either way, I was never a good Christian. Now is one of those scary times, you may try to escape your past but it will always find you, that which we sew we shall reap but through Jesus we can find peace.

  12. Ight how have i not heard about this sooner ๐Ÿ˜‚ ig i never searched it but stilllll when u think about asmr it's these random things being spoke into u every night before u fall asleep so why not have it be good stuff that can help u and be a positive voice instead of something different


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