Christ-less Conservatism: "Good Politics" Won't Save You

In this episode, Angela braves the waters of a topic that is bound to trigger many… That is, how identifying as a republican doesn’t make you a good person, and how being on the “right side” of politics won’t save anyone.

Angela attended a national conservative convention back in June 2023 when the Lord put this issue on her heart to speak on at large: that there are way too many conservatives who claim Christ without abiding in Him, how Christ is missing ALTOGETHER from many conservative spheres, and how conservatives have the same dangerous tendency as leftists to create an idol or identity of their politics which creates the false notion of self-righteousness.

There will be a lot discussed pertaining to this unpopular observation during the livestream… including but not limited to: the dangers of conservative influencers obsessed with vanity & pop-culture, political ally does NOT equate to philosophical ally, that conservative values all actually derive from the Bible, how the savior complex of politics is a massively distractive deception, the golden-calf of Donald Trump, and the obsession Christ-less conservatism has with “winning back the country” when the TRUE GOAL should be to WIN SOULS TO JESUS!

The truth is… Christ-less conservatism does not hate sin. It just hates leftism.

So really, Christ-less conservatism is no better than leftism…
We CHRISTIANS shouldn’t forget that.

Conservatism isn’t saving anyone Only faith in Jesus Christ can do that.

TO BE CLEAR… Angela is in *NO WAY* condoning leftism for anyone immersed in the Christian faith, as any true Bible-believing follower of Jesus would never vote for nor identify with their blasphemous, murderous, antichrist policies.

Angela’s Instagram: @angelamarieucci

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48 thoughts on “Christ-less Conservatism: "Good Politics" Won't Save You”

  1. Those who seek truth will find it. I do not think you can go into politics and be a Christian as there is too much compromise, no country has a 100% Christian population so it’s impossible. We are called to serve as followers of Christ. We vote according to policy, it’s very hard these days as there is that deception that they are one in the same they are not. We need to pray more about these things.

  2. Amen!! Christless Conservatives Are Part Of The Problem by Samuel Sey from Harbingers Daily is what came to mind as you were speaking about this issue. It fills my heart with joy to hear more followers of Jesus exposing the darkness on both the left and right.

  3. There's a lot of paying lip service to God, Christianity and the Bible in not just Republican circles, but in traditionally leaning New Agers as well (JP Sears for instance). However, as soon as you mention Jesus in the Biblical and Christian sense, then you're "too much". Then there's the manosphere as well; they'll complain about feminism and the promiscuity of women — while at the same time promoting promiscuity themselves and preaching to young men not to marry but to bed virgins. And they don't see that they are part of the problem. There's an entire industry built on the consequence of Godlessness (ie promiscuity, divorce and the breakdown of the nuclear family). What's the solution they offer? Celibacy? Monasticism? Not giving promiscuous women the time of day? Nope. More Godlessness. Same thing there, I go into the comment sections of manosphere guys and I mention Jesus and scripture, and they attack. I pray for them and realize that they need Jesus very much. Men are longing for traditional family and suppress it and lie to themselves and choose sin instead because their hearts have hardened.

  4. Romans 10:3

    For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

  5. It's so interesting to me that you were a right wing new ager. All the new agers I know are left wing or "apolitical".. I can't think of any part of left wing ideology that isn't upheld by new age. Did your friends get upset with you? I was the opposite, trying to be a Christian left winger because the unbelievers in my life were okay with my religion as long as I didn't vote wrong.

  6. I’m a conservative but it’s so hard for me to find political candidates in the Republican Party that actually display a Christ-like heart. I would love to vote for Mike Signorelli, Alexander Pagani, Isaiah Saldivar, Greg Locke, etc. But instead I feel like I’m stuck with politicians who cosplay as Christians for votes.

  7. There's a good reason why I never voted nor did I ever get involved in worldly politics. I believe that God was proving a point when He allowed His people to finally have their king starting with king Saul…because they rejected their perfect King of kings and preferred a man king born of sin, they continuously saw their kingdom fall because throughout the ages. Even when our King of kings came in the flesh, they rejected him, still preferring a tyrant king over them, rather than The One who was without sin, and perfect in all His ways. Men and women are still doing the same thing. If they continue this way, God shall give them over to great delusions so that they accept and worship that man of perdition, and his image. I will continue to vote for The True King of kings who conquered death and lives forever and ever. Man can't save himself, so why should anyone lose their souls for them…all they ever do is enrich themselves upon the backs and suffering of the people, especially the poor.
    Come out of her my people, lest you take part in her plagues that's just around the corner. Be "WISE" not "WOKE"!!!

  8. Angela, I am not American but I can totally relate to this topic especially when making idols out of politicians. I also was one of those people that saw salvation for my country through a certain conservative candidate. I can see now but too many people are still trapped in this idolisation. This is such an important conversation.

  9. Watching how politics go back and forth over and over even before I was saved made it almost pointless in my eyes to get involved. And now I know that Christ has sovereignty in it all anyway and humans are sinful so somehow politics will always be corrupted no matter the side. Unless we have the spirit we can do nothing pure 😊

    Politics needs Christ back!

    I’m so glad it’s all in his hands 🙌

  10. The reason for Christ-less conservatism is because many of these republicans are bought and paid for by the Vatican-backed think-tanks that care not for Christ nor His kingdom but a worldly kingdom with Pope as the supposed viceroy of God on earth.

    These Jesuitical stooges line the pockets of many politicians, billionaires who are frontmen for the Papacy, to toe the line to papal authority.

    The second beast, false Protestantism, who gives headway to the first Beast, the papal power by doctrines and creeds that run contrary to conscience and the Scripture.

    It is due to this papal power that Protestanism has not yet finished the Reformation yet. Sadly, many have more fear of God rather than fearing the sin that is choking the spiritual life out of them. We must reject romanized, authoritarian concepts of our Heavenly Father and hold to the testimony that Christ had of His Father—‘I and the Father are one.’ They are of one accors to bring humanity back in harmony with His Law, His design protocols, and Himself. (2 Cor. 5:19)

    It is the lawless concepts of God as 2 Thess. 2 stipulates that are still infecting the spirit temples of mankind. I commend many who pushed the reformation forward however many of them did not reject the false, imposed law concept of God's law and therefore still worshipped a roman dictator rather than Creator who made the heavens, sea, and land as the first angel of Revelation 14 calls us to do.

    We cannot hold the Lord in the purest regard when we hold lies of Him to be truths. We must reject the lies and come back to worship Him in spirit and in truth!

  11. Left and right controlled by the same puppet masters. Find it strange how many Christians are now cheering for Israel. Israel run by the synagogue of satan. They have agents in all camps. Devils comes in many forms. So sad.

  12. You hit the nail on the political head! Jesus said His kingdom is not of this world. I want to fix my eyes on Him; not the democrats or republicans. The Holy Spirit is bold and you were bold!👐 The Pharisees were godless conservatives and killed Christ. Side note: Project 2025 is so anti-gospel. True morality is a change of heart by Christ, not legislation. The counterfeit tries to mandate the Holy Spirit.

  13. Politics are the new religion 😢 the way it tends to engulf peoples lives it’s clear they have no room in their hearts for the lord. Personally I don’t follow or care about politics anymore. I don’t care about a president I want a king ❤❤❤

  14. LOL- I voted for Biden and was pro demon too and 2020 is when Lord Jesus started waking me up..even though I continued to choose sin and the occult for another year and a half.. He never gave up on me! Politics defs became an idol for me too.. and so did pastors or churches.. idols are SO dangerous. So many people were obsessed with the Q movement.. which is new age false light and depending on the military and humanity saving itself instead of depending on Jesus.. left and right are the two hands of Lucifer.. it's important to push Christian ideology and policies centered on the Bible.. not the GOP.. majority of them are Freemason elites full of greed, lust, and hungry for power and control. Pray for discernment and wisdom folks!

  15. Angela, good stuff here… thanks for the well thought out and studied details, and being willing to call out the wrong from within.. It's obvious you did much homework, preparation, and prayer going into this message/teaching… God Bless my sister.. Both sides of the American political spectrum have issues. As a minister once told me regarding the political world, "Christ isn't coming back to take sides, he coming to take over."

  16. Please dont ever quit… I LOVE your videos more than like anything. Youre my FAVORITE like, christian influencer… I'm not even exaggerating. I thank GOD for your ministry. 🙏🤍


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