Chrissie Mayr in the Morning! Target steps in it AGAIN! Is Will Smith Gay? Marvels TANKED! Hochul

Chrissie Mayr in the Morning! What is PMI? Will there be a Seinfeld Reboot? SUPRISE The Marvels TANKED! Is Kathy Hochul’s “Surveillance efforts” a First Amendment overreach in NYC? Should you attend Thanksgiving if you’re not fun? Jada Pinkett Smith breaks her silence over Will Smith gay rumors, Target steps in it again pissing off conservatives with woke Trans Nutcracker and Wheelchair Santa products, plus Chrissie describes what “Clown Diving” is!


12/3 – TAMPA –

1/5-1/6 – SAN DIEGO –


14 thoughts on “Chrissie Mayr in the Morning! Target steps in it AGAIN! Is Will Smith Gay? Marvels TANKED! Hochul”

  1. You liked Kramer? He rocks! =) If Seinfeld continues, I hope it's good. I prefer the Simpsons, but imo, Seinfeld is the second greatest show of all time after the Twilight Zone (since TZ is likely to be enjoyed by a wider range of audiences, especially young kids so it gets the top nomination for me!).

    There's hope for me since I thought, at least, the first episode of the new Frasier series was good! I was so happy! Started off kinda cheesy (thought they were trying to bring in the Big Bang Theory fandom/sensibilities, which wasn't my taste, but I think they implemented it well where they eventually naturally wove it so it's a case of merrier to the fandom to support it where hopefully they'll go back to previous seasons!) but, imo, they did an admirable job respecting and giving closure to the characters with a nice dramatic hook to know there was plenty of life remaining in the universe!

    Frasier, imo, was probably the most consistent quality show I've ever seen where Twilight Zone was mixed, Seinfeld went downhill when Larry David left after Season 7 with the characters becoming caricatures and Simpsons lost the heart of the family after Season 8..not saying it was the best, and I think the fans consider that to be Season 6 where they're probably right, but the second season was my favorite with "Bart Gets an F" being my all time favorite tv episode.

    Anyways, enough of my life story. Woah…we're half way theeeeere…Take care! Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday, Chrissie! And hope you enjoy this quote:

    "The Most Important Person on earth is a mother. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has built something more magnificent than any cathedral -a dwelling for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby's body. . . The angels have not been blessed with such a grace. They cannot share in God's creative miracle to bring new saints to Heaven. Only a human mother can. Mothers are closer to God the Creator than any other creature; God joins forces with mothers in performing this act of creation. .. What on God's good earth is more glorious than this: to be a mother?"

    -Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty

    Hope you and your family have a light-filled peaceful day! =)

  2. I probably saw every episode of Seinfeld about 100 times each, growing up, but I’m not at all excited about the prospect of a reboot of the series.
    To sitcom writers today, all these reboots and reunion shows are just vehicles to push more woke propaganda.

  3. They tried making an updated "diverse" Seinfeld based on John Mulaney. It was was one of the worst shows ever put on TV. The George Costanza stand in was a fat bearded ginger and instead of Kramer they had a "cool" black guy. Even the set looked similar. Pure dogshit.


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