Chris Raced the Alviso Crit with Norcal and Discussing The Remco Interview | The NERO Show Ep. 47

Huge week in cycling YouTube with one of the biggest interviews we have seen when Remco appeared on friend of the pod …


26 thoughts on “Chris Raced the Alviso Crit with Norcal and Discussing The Remco Interview | The NERO Show Ep. 47”

  1. i work inn a bike shop in vic and over covid we had around 5 break ins where multiple bikes were stolen and another store in our chain had someone test ride a bike and just ride off, he left a fake id. we had two e bikes stolen via a direct deposit scam where we never got the money. someone went to test ride a bike, saw a friend decided to have a coffee with them and just forgot they were test riding a bike and didnt come back for a couple of hours. sadly the reality is that bike shops cant trust everyone to test ride bikes and it simply isnt fair to just profile someone based on how they look and say nah you cant test ride this and let the next guy who might be dressed nicer to test ride a bike. weve got really strict rules in place now where we need two forms of id and some other stuff for someone to test ride anything. in the end it sucks for us and customers who are serious about buying a bike and just want to find what is best for them

  2. Wow…Most of this is not directed at Chris, he seems appreciative and chose his word carefully. BUT, your condescending, dismissive attitude towards both VC and Jeff are a total turn off. Jeff NEVER claims to be anything other than exactly what he is. To compare an Alviso Crit to the Legion train, tells me everything. How arrogant to say chatting on a ride bothers you. You want to alienate viewers? this is a perfect recipe to do so.

  3. Boy, it may not be reality but JC seems to have his mind set on starting YouTuber beef with whoever – Alex Dowsett, Velo Kings, Alviso PRACTICE crit racers, Bonk Bros. Someone need a hug? 😂

  4. About the Dowset chaingang. It's probably the Donny chaingang (they have a zwift iteration once a week if you wanna have a go) big hitters and ex pros galore. Last third is a race. So hence the slippery kit

  5. I'm sad I didn't make it out to Alviso the one day you were there. Nor the other hard hitters . Pretty sure it would've made things a little bit more spicy. -timmy

  6. Jesse, I don’t think Alex was putting down the SL6, I think it was an attempt at a bit of ‘meta’ humour. Imagine him winking whilst saying it to the camera. It was more of him making a statement that he knows what the YouTube viewers (and comments sections) think about rim brakes. I hope that makes sense

  7. With regard to team produced content, the Jumbo doc/content about the 2022 tour was really good. It showed some sensitive moments with riders and when the team was making tough decisions. Obviously makes them look great but it does feel like a reasonably authentic look inside the human side of a tough tour with some moments of triumph.


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