Chinese hypersonic missiles 'sink' USS Gerald R Ford aircraft carrier in simulation drills | Details

China ‘blew up’ USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier in a new simulation war game. Chinese military planners used simulation war game software, imagining a scenario where the US vessels were attacked after they continued to approach an island claimed by China in the disputed South China Sea despite several warnings. Watch this video to know more.

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21 thoughts on “Chinese hypersonic missiles 'sink' USS Gerald R Ford aircraft carrier in simulation drills | Details”

  1. Few depleted war headed missiles could do it. it legal to use depleted uranium shells by america even after that lot chronic dieses appear. Legal for using depleted uranium shelss wAT

  2. Cold war us created depleted uranium shells. Shsred wit alliance. Sure will backh to them some of it. Not only iraqis to suffer the efeects. Not fair. Creators should felt too

  3. Well the Arab Coalition Forces has already sank American Aircraft Carrier!!!

    Just CNN, BBC, Polska & Volska will not talk all this!!!

    Achievements are even by Indian Armed Forces but what is the use to talk!!!

  4. Lmao, China doesn't understand they will be taken on the premier modern navy and Airforce of the world. Propaganda won't hide young Chinese one child policy body parts from washing up on the mainland.

    Jesus Christ do you guys honestly don't think the USA won't hit the mainland? That USA will allow China just to shoot missiles without returning fire?

    People so wrap up in narratives that leave out reality of a navy War.

  5. If a russian shovel can defeat the entire nato in bakhmut then there's nothing that can stop a hyoersonic missile to defeat those american junks.


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