China’s economy deteriorated fast in 2 weeks

In the aftermath of the typhoon and flooding, China’s financial sector has been hard hit, particularly the insurance industry, which …


33 thoughts on “China’s economy deteriorated fast in 2 weeks”

  1. One thing that's is the no1 rule when investing. Diversification. There is many companies in China I met a Chinese pig farmer once they made 20 billion in profit / year they are also invested in Building industry but build first and sell when done.

  2. Rumour? Sorry you cannot base information on rumours. You need the facts, and covid was/is a joke which cannot be used to prove anything. Please provide facts, not speculation. Thank you.

  3. It is better to bury your cash in your backyard in China! I can’t believe the military personnel go along with this regime, which is the only entity that keeps them in power! It’s really not a country but a criminal organization on a certain territory of land ! The military and the people could turn on these thugs and wipe them out! How does the CCP keep control over the military? These are children of the very families the CCP is destroying and using! I don’t think it’s high salaries? Even if it’s just the upper echelons of the military going along with the CCP, the underlings are far greater in number? If the people as a whole would use the opportunity of a war, like Taiwan, to obtain weapons and turn it on the communist regime they would definitely win, just by the sheer number of people! Would some get killed? Absolutely! It would be giving your life for your country and future families but it would end communism! No one could take their place unless the people let it happen. The people would have to scrub the entire communist regime and system and their families. It can happen if the country is tired enough of the abuse! We in America did just that when we got fed up with England. We lost a lot of loved ones but it is what made America great! I know it is not an easy task but then it never is when the task is so large!

  4. Listen at 1.75 playback speed. This is anti-china propaganda. "I wasn't aware how fast things were deteriorating in China." Even though she made a video about it.

  5. Miss Lei,
    Very clear report. I had written a more detailed response but it was deleted during my typing.
    I would like to correct you on Lehman Brothers causing 2008 collapse. This is completely untrue.
    Lehman was certainly more aggressive in its real estate products, but they were cutting edge products. A leading cause of collapse was due to government money pumped into a program overseen by Democrat Barney Frank in the House
    encouraging real estate speculation in poorer communities and allowing 3-5 % downpayments on purchases. With banks pushing loans slightly higher on properties to cover this 3-5% downpayment, the purchaser in effect put no money down. With no skin in the game, the market became overinflated and buyers walked away from their loans. Lehman dealt with developers not individual buyers. This government program still exists.
    Bush/Obama should have saved Lehman and let second tier Bear Stearns collapse.

  6. Hi Lei, great work in covering the insurance sector. I was wondering if you could share the name and source of the HK based analyst? I wasn't able to find anything under brutr-channel so far. I just wanted to run independent research based on the data that the analyst may have. From Seoul Aaron

  7. Its just that the chinese government got so distracted by their typhoon flooding and internal disasters they forgot to continue their show of being a great economy for the benefit of the global spectators. From the time Xi came on its been one disaster after another and his only recourse to them is to create distractions by pretending a conflict with other nations to steer away the focus and attention to coverup hastily and go on pretending until the next catastrophe.

  8. Seems like Chines people after seeing Russias ruin and their downfall from losing Western money they'd rebel Xi and CCP especially with all the outside signs of the world turning against them.

  9. This site is sponsored by the CIA and it tell lies to make you want to hate China.
    China is doing OK because it didn’t unleashed loads of helicopter monies to the economy.
    The situation is the same in South East Asia.
    Rental in Kuala Lumpur are lower than pre pandemic.
    China and South East Asia economy is sound and OK as the government are careful and well positioned.
    In USA , the debt have shot up from $23 T to $33 Trillion.
    Banks are failing and millions are sleeping homeless in the streets.

  10. When reviewing the economies of authoritarian regimes, the things they stop telling you are very important. For example, the Chinese government has stopped releasing the statistics for unemployed Chinese citizens between 17-24 years.

  11. At this point I'm starting to feel like Xi and the ministry of finance have engineered this slump on purpose so they can remove free market elements and assume greater intervention over the economy, returning to a Maoist path, in line with Xi Jinping thought

  12. I am happy that the nannies are getting more money now. However, people could save that money by raising their children by themselves (question to the fathers: why should another woman raise your children when you have a woman/wife yourself?)

  13. The Chinese economy is a facade made in Beijing — its pegged currency [to $US] gives it stability whilst printing more and more…and yet by law can only trade across a very narrow range – this prevents the Chinese currency going thru the floor value wise — As for GDP, it is grown via property and infrastructure construction…and selling baubles to the west [exports]…as well as foreign visitors — all these industries are in dire trouble. Dictatorships and communist regimes are incapable of operating a western-style capitalism — how can a system without checks & balances, for instance, run an insurance market — it is highly manipulated! All a facade – as I said — to emulate success — how this all evolves will be most interesting!


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