China Shock! : (May 27, 2023) US Air Forces is Testing New Deadliest Rapid Dragon Bomb

China is Boiling : USAF is Testing New Deadliest Rapid Dragon Bomb

In this video, witness the intense geopolitical tensions as China’s simmering conflicts reach a boiling point. We delve into the riveting story behind the USAF’s latest development, the deadliest Rapid Dragon Bomb, which has caught the world’s attention. Prepare to be captivated by the high-stakes action, cutting-edge technology, and strategic implications in this must-watch video.

# RapidDragon #USAFRapidDragon #MilitaryInnovation #GeopoliticalTensions #usmilitarynews #UsMilitary #SouthChinaSea


11 thoughts on “China Shock! : (May 27, 2023) US Air Forces is Testing New Deadliest Rapid Dragon Bomb”

  1. Indeed. In order to kill human beings and all living organisms on the earth, the U.S. government has elaborately manufactured all kinds of "professional killing weapons on land, sea and air", making human beings all over the world "daunting".

    However, if the U.S. government attempts to use this "killing weapon" to kill the Chinese people and carry out "anti-human" actions, then, under the effective counterattack of the Chinese people, like the "American baby" who died under ten months and died in the womb, it is believed that this "killing weapon against humanity" will collapse before attempting to invade China's sovereign airspace!🤛

  2. 只不过是很普通的投递炸弹而已,哪怕加了対翅膀又有什么用,轰炸机这种东西使用的前提是获取制空权,如果没有制空权,轰炸机在战斗机的猎杀下连飞都飞不起来,如果有制空权就算带着二战时期的炸弹也能造成同样的伤害,这种武器对付小国还行,对付中国,我只能说这是个冷笑话。这种特质炸弹一看成本就很高,除非用来轰炸高价值的目标,实际上意义不大,未来战争的前沿是高超音速精确制导导弹与电磁增程武器,与其开发更好的炸弹,不如开发电磁增程火箭炮,现有的火箭炮也就几百公里的打击距离,使用电磁力将火箭弹先进行初步加速和投射,飞行一段距离再进行点火飞行,电磁增程降低了燃料的使用,可以飞行更远的距离,解放军已经开始研制这种武器,中国的火箭炮本身就是世界第一,再进行电磁弹射增程,400公里的火箭炮,可以提升到2000公里,这么远的距离已经和导弹差不多了,但火箭弹的制造成本与技术难度又远远低于导弹,战争时期可以大规模生产,中国已经研制出一种陀螺仪芯片,抛弃了传统的价格高昂的陀螺仪,使用成本低廉的芯片代替,到时候将火箭弹进行低成本改造就能成为具有一定制导能力的火箭弹。打击精度也会大幅度提高。用火箭弹的制造成本打出导弹的效果,到时候把火箭弹布置到本土就能威胁到东亚的美军,不比这破烂的投递炸弹强?不需要飞机运送,火箭弹成本低,拦截也很麻烦,在大量火箭弹的饱和打击之下,不需要飞机,在家就能摧毁目标。


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