China not intimidated by US, calls US "troublemaker," and Ukraine war a result of NATO's expansion.

“The Ukraine crisis is, in essence, the culmination of security conflicts in Europe closely related to NATO’s constant eastern expansion since the Cold War,” Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the UN, said at the UN Security Council Briefing on Ukraine.


18 thoughts on “China not intimidated by US, calls US "troublemaker," and Ukraine war a result of NATO's expansion.”

  1. But China's a threat 🙄 (sarcasm) it's always the US and the west that always escalates. I'm glad Russia is working with China to co-design more powerful weapons. It can only help China to protect themselves from US aggression. North Korea is also building nuclear subs too. Turning into a pocket superpower in a sense too

  2. Wow Emil, you're such an intellectual power house. You read through some propaganda dictate from authoritarian states & miraculously deduce truth and logic from them.
    I'm very impressed with your ability or not.
    You're clearly not American ( your command of English is rubbish ) and you clearly hate America, but you choose to live there?.
    You pretend to support the sides of Russia and China but you haven't chosen to live in either?.
    Emil, you're a disingenuous, contrarian hypocrite bottom feeding off the left behind.

    Now I want to speak to all your dissolutioned left behinds who are such big fans of Emil.
    Yes the entire geopolitical economic model running the world today is nothing less than shite. I agree with you completely. America sucks, Europe sucks, but so does Russia and China. They're all just locked into a geopolitical power struggle on who sucks more. Choosing one shite country over another is not going to solve your problems. I will point out here, if you look to small niceties like human rights and freedom of speech etc. Countries like Russia and China have pretty much fallen off the Graff.
    What ever country you live in it might be shite, but if it's in the west at least you have the freedom to call it out as such.
    I think Emil where ever it is you started out you might have been on the right track?. Somehow though you seem to have transitioned into choosing the greater evil . The proverbial cut off my tongue to spite my face syndrome.
    What you've missed in this power struggle is that Ukraine is also one of us left behinds. They are just desperately trying to survive as a nation, as a people much like you & I.
    Choosing either the greater or lesser evil will never solve our problems because either way the bastard's still get in.
    We have a saying here in Britain that " No matter who you vote for the government still get in!".

  3. According to democrats and republicans the Chinese are liars and oppressive. As an American veteran and asian it is the KKK NAZI DEMOCRATS & REPUBLICANS who oppress me and other Americans. If you are anti Chinese and Russian and support these TWO parties and their media FOX, CNN, OAN, MSNBC, CBS, NEWSMAX, NBC, ABC then you are an idiot! Who is screwing your food, gas, housing and employment and your BASIC RIGHTS? It is the US GOVERNMENT democrats & republicans.

  4. When the European were strong few hundreds years ago, they went round the world bullying other countries. Colonised other countries by robbing their land, stealing their resources and treating the local like slaves. In 1840, the British government forced China to import opium from them in order to poison [addiction] the Chinese. The British then attacked when China refuse. These European countries are still living in the past thinking that they can still do the same thing today. Keep dreaming!!!

  5. Canadah does not need an air force.
    Its Prima Ballerina, Justin Castro, is a somewhat light in the loafers airhead, and can intercept any aerial threats and neutralize them with the power of rainbow.

  6. We must remember a nation ruled by the few do not mind harming there own people to hurt a so called enemy !!!!i. Ie USA UK JAPAN
    nations that care about its people so it’s whole country protect as much a possible are prudent how they behave .
    China a nation more prudent than any industrious with a country so nice bend over backwards to keep it in harmony !
    Business is all so any effect on trade so profit will be planned for .
    All this lock down etc is a plan to divert USA an some EU trade to rest of world an internally .
    We all know USA will put sanctions on China Soon so China ready to sanction USA an EU if EU foolishly obeys USA sanctions .
    So no more cheap goods for the west to add to no more cheap oil an gas .
    Collapse of the wests economy and ROW forced to take up reins of world consumer well as producer .
    If the snake attempts to swallow the elephant it’s deserves the result , stupid as stupid does lol

  7. If NATO intervenes in Ukraine, China will start a version of "Lend Lease" and begin to supply Russia with the military basics to allow Russia to mobilize a huge army. I would not rule out Chinese "volunteers" – Ukraine has thousands of them. China knows that if Russia is destroyed, the US and NATO will turn on them.

  8. The title of this video is a bit misleading…this isn't what China has directly said…naturally China will want to stick up for a dictator because it's what they do. But China hasn't said this…


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