China hoping Putin ‘establishes a precedent’ by winning Ukraine war

Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Victor Davis Hanson says China is hoping Russian President Vladimir Putin wins the war against Ukraine to “establish a precedent” that an autocratic country can “absorb a former federated province”.

He said China suffers some of the same problems as Russia.

“Not to the same degree but they’re a top-down, rigid system and if they were going to go into Taiwan, I think they would have the same sort of problems the Russians are having,” Mr Hanson told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“They would be against a supply chain of western arms, intelligence, high tech availability to the Taiwanese, and the Taiwanese may well fight as well.”

He said Taiwan would “probably lose” because of the country’s small size but it would take a “terrible toll on the world economy”.


46 thoughts on “China hoping Putin ‘establishes a precedent’ by winning Ukraine war”

  1. I am Chinese, You started the war. China did not participate in the war, but bought some discounted oil. This war belongs to you two and has nothing to do with us. China does not need to cooperate with your interests. Without NATO's eastward expansion, Russia would not start a war. Ukraine wanted to join NATO before Russia started the war. NATO put a knife in Russia's neck. As a big country, Russia needs a buffer zone! Just as the United States wants to fight Cuba.

  2. The truth of the matter is that politicians in the West and the US including Australia (Australia which is psychologically totally confused and suffering from an identity crisis as it thinks it is "west" when the reality is that it is geographically part of Asia!!!), are still stuck in their mental capacity and attitude in the glory days of "empire" 5-6 centuries ago.
    They may have learned to wear Gucci suits nowadays but nothing else seem to have evolved in their psyche and consciousness from their barbarian days. Instead of recognising their sordid past and history , they celebrate their delusions like "Thanksgiving Day" which the Native American Indians rightly and clearly remember and commemorate as their "Day of Mourning" being the beginning of the murdering, genociding, plundering, stealing, raping and ultimately, OCCUPATION , of their land uninvited, without any due compensation even till today.
    But these thieves and robbers take a lot of pride in the stories they tell themselves and sell to the world how great their "founding" was!!! Same stories with the "Empire" where the sun never sets. Australia with the Aborigines. New Zealand with their Maoris. The African continent with all those Europeans……… goes on and on. This is the 21st Century , for chrissakes! Grow up and come out of that sick and primitive mentality of never ending desire to dominate, control and subjugate.
    The zillions of dollars spent on wars and "defence" and the other zillions being hoarded by the 1% is more than sufficient to provide every human being on the planet a very decent and never anything wanting life on this planet with the healthiest and cleanest environment. And we pride ourselves as being the only creature on earth with the intelligence, consciousness and capacity of free will and choice. And these sick politicians choose never ending squabbles, tensions and wars!!! Go figure.

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    American activist and social media expert Jerry Day has called on the American nation to recognize the war crimes the U.S. government, military and corporate deep-state have committed in the Middle East and rest of the world. “They [U.S.] are simply bombing whatever they want to bomb, killing whoever they want to kill, destroying whatever they choose to destroy without legal grounds. We are the new global villain," said Day. Broken Treaties
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    From 1964 to 1973, the U.S. dropped more than two million tons of ordnance on Laos during 580,000 bombing missions—equal to a planeload of bombs every 8 minutes, 24-hours a day, for 9 years – making Laos the most heavily bombed country per capita in history. The bombings were part of the U.S. Secret War in Laos to support the Royal Lao Government against the Pathet Lao and to interdict traffic along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The bombings destroyed many villages and displaced hundreds of thousands of Lao civilians during the nine-year period.
    Five years ago, the US forces, using the fake intelligence of a staged video by “White Helmets” as evidence, conducted the so-called “most precise air strikes in history” in Syria, killing more than 1,600 innocent civilians. In recent years, the international community has been calling for investigations into the killing of civilians in the US’ overseas military operations. On Syria alone, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic pointed out several times in its reports in September 2019 and February 2021 that the US failed to distinguish military targets from civilians in its air strikes in Syria, which gravely violates international humanitarian law and may constitute war crimes. However, the US government has been turning a deaf ear to all this. 
    According to reports, over the past nearly two decades, the US conducted over 90,000 air strikes in countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, which may have killed up to 48,000 civilians. But the US military time and again covered up the facts and refused to apologize, admit its crimes or hold the perpetrators accountable. It did everything possible to evade its responsibilities.
    On the drone strike of civilians in Afghanistan, a Pentagon spokesperson said openly in December 2021 that no US soldiers will face disciplinary action over it. The US media also disclosed at the end of last year that from 2014 to 2019, the US military turned its guns on farmers in the middle of harvest, children playing in the streets, families fleeing the fighting and villagers taking shelter in buildings. These disastrous crimes were deliberately concealed and whitewashed. US media revealed last year that according to the US military’s own confidential assessments of more than 1,300 reports of civilian casualties, civilian casualties in US air strikes have been “significantly undercounted”. Larry Lewis, a Director at the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) of the US said that on average at least one incident of civilian harm has happened every week since 9/11.
    There has been an overall pattern of negligence with regard to the US government on the issue of civilian harm. The US has also obstructed the International Criminal Court’s investigations into its war crimes in Afghanistan.  Every human life, regardless of nationality, race, religion or values, is equal and precious. The US should earnestly respond to the strong call of the international community, conduct a credible, independent and impartial investigation into civilian casualties caused by US air strikes, and hold the people concerned accountable.

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  3. With China, many Aussies are absolute hypocrites.

    ‘Revolution is just a T-shirt away,” sings Billy Bragg. The T-shirts are made in China like everything else. We wear and consume the proof of the success of the Chinese Revolution and they drink our wine, use our iron ore, eat our tucker and enrich our entire tourism and education sectors.

    It is almost impossible for almost anyone in the world to go a single day without buying or using something from China.

    China is the engine of the world and now rules the world economically. We once ludicrously feared Reds under the beds. Now they’ve made the beds we lie in. One in five people in the world is Chinese.

    The People’s Republic of China (as even ardent conservatives attest) achieved the greatest social, political and economic miracle in world history by raising 1 billion Chinese people out of feudal poverty into a middle class in 50 years. And dragged along prosperities for hundreds of million poor peoples around the world.

    China has wisely followed the American and British examples of economic colonisation of the world but avoided the appalling errors of fighting useless and expensive wars. China has not caused a war for many years.

    The economy of the world is predicated on China. We ignore China’s communism when we make money from it, but because of the COVID-19 virus we are suddenly sabre-rattling and loathing China’s political system. Hypocrisy rules.

    Britain lied about COVID-19 mortality rates, and Trump’s US continues to exacerbate the virus. Has Australia demanded an inquiry into those countries? No. Japan has been building islands for decades with no international criticism. China builds islands and we send gunboats.

    Australia rails against China’s human rights violations yet we continue to imprison refugees in concentration camps and continue to treat Aboriginal people appallingly. Australia is the nation which persecuted and demeaned the Chinese and others through the iniquitous White Australia policy.

    Australia continues to treat the Chinese with racism and suspicion through an apparent genetic disposition to distrust them. We despair of Chinese surveillance of its citizens yet increase surveillance on our own. We despair of the Chinese persecution of minority races yet we are eternally trying to weaken our own Racial Discrimination Act.

    Our Government is trying to suppress the press. We welcomed the English lords Vestey and McAlpine owning half of northern Australia, we allow American surveillance and military bases and yet we resent any Chinese investment in Australia.

    China is a developing nation and is far from perfect – but we have much to learn from it. The cold war against China is damaging and dangerous. The British tried twice to poison and weaken the Chinese through opium addiction, invaded China and stole Hong Kong. There are Australians and Americans who’d gladly try to repeat that.

    Sadly, Sinophobia is back officially and publicly as Australians are spitting on Chinese-Australians. Shame.

    We are encouraged to criticise China but we rail against Chinese criticism of us. Isn’t Professor Kam Louie, of Hong Kong University, right when he says Australian leadership is “male, pale and stale”, and aren’t the Chinese right when they say Australia is America’s dog?

    The Chinese came to Australia before the British, traded peacefully with Aboriginal people and had the good manners not to invade, claim the country and dispossess and massacre them.

    The US and Britain are dying. China is flourishing. Napoleon was right when he said 200 years ago: “China is a sleeping giant. When she wakes, she will move the world.”

    Australia must move with and not against China with respect and showing good example. Then we grow together in the great leap forward. Put that on a T-shirt made in China.

  4. Australia’s military is underfunded

    We now find ourselves living in a world where the international rules based-order has been undermined by the decline of the US to such an extent that we will increasingly see stronger nations dominating and exploiting weaker ones. This has been the normal state of affairs for humanity for millennia but is difficult for us in the English-speaking nations and, the Western world in general, to grasp after decades of peace and prosperity following the end of the second world war. We must change our thinking and make the necessary adjustments if we wish to ensure our own security in the decades ahead.

    Australia's military is far too small to achieve the task required of it as it is vastly dwarfed in terms of numbers of personnel and equipment by all of its neighbours. This is the result of decades of underfunding and neglect by our politicians who prefer to focus on quality of lifestyle type issues at the expense of fundamental matters of existence. Enabling this strategic apathy and negligence is the misguided belief that US military power is nearly unlimited and globally dominant and that it would automatically come to the defence of Australia should any of her neighbours attack her.

    The US is not obligated under the ANZUS Alliance to send troops or equipment to our aid in the event of an attack upon us. They are only obligated to engage in talks with us and nothing more.

    As we have all seen, the US did not assist Ukraine, a fellow democracy, when it was invaded because it is not under any binding treaty-based obligation to do so. Even though failure to render assistance to Ukraine has resulted in Russian forces now sitting on the borders of NATO countries with whom the US does have a treaty-backed obligation to come to their defence in the event they are attacked. The Americans have chosen to delay dealing with the problem choosing, instead, to only engage in talking about it, a clear indication of where their interests lie. It would not be surprising to see the US attempt to withdraw from NATO in the coming years (after 2024?).

    We should not expect the US to do anything other than talk with us should we come under attack by a foreign power. Even if they did want to assist us they do not have the shipping capacity needed to move their forces and equipment here. The US President is not able to use the Defence Production Act to commandeer an international shipping line as all the big shipping lines are foreign-owned.

    If Ukraine were a nuclear-armed state Russia would not have been able to invade it. Look at how the small nation of North Korea, with a population of 25 million, laughed off the US, a nation of more than 320 million, under President Trump, despite his threats of raining "fire and fury" down upon them. Now contrast that with what has been happening in Ukraine, a nation of 44 million, being crushed out of existence by Russia, a nation of 147 million and nuclear armed. Consider now how Australia would fare against a nation of 300 million or 1.4 billion. Time to wake up!

    What is clear, is that no one would risk attacking us if we were nuclear-armed. Better to prevent war than to try to prosecute one inflicted upon us. The way to maintain peace between nations is by the possession of nuclear weapons because these weapons rule out the possibility of war altogether.

  5. Every Thing putyn does, Makes he and his SOLO war Worse !! Why, because it was FOULED in EVERY WAY from the Start !! He Cannot dig himself out at ANY Cost, of money or souls…!! puty is "Scraping the Bottom of the professional trash cans", (no offence to russia People in general) !! Force protesters to Fight? They will just become, MORE deserters !! May God eliminate this rogue putyn antiChrist …

  6. Just to say "Theoretical" , LOL but it's Not, wish ukraine Takes russia states, &, after a week, give them back.. And HERE is The Point = give them back and say = ""See How That Feels azho's" …!! just a "back at ya rusky" moment..! One can dream…

  7. "the west" is Freedom!! Communism is lock down and repression , depression. God gave us all Freedom, dictators Take That Away from PEOPLE to Serve THEMSELVES !! Do U See rusky trying to swallow ukraine like satan ?? Your Choice People!!

  8. They haven't been beating Russia, they have made Russia retreat in one area.
    They have the most powerful military in Europe bar Russia, and have been trained by NATO since 2014 . Now they have weapons from NATO and lots of them.
    As for as you claim a " free society"….have you forgotten Covid and how Australia was the prison cell.
    I suppose Sky followers will swallow this bullshit…….Time will tell and see how real " Ukraine is smashing Russia".
    VdH sounds like another Ex Pentagon general.

  9. the news is too much about values. let me show the facts, westerners lost all the major wars such as Korean War, Vietnam war, Afghanistan war. how are that possible , mighty western. because all these wars involve china and Russia

  10. The feces is running out of every orifice. Does the prolapsed condition from that Globalist fist tickle your sock puppet sphincter?
    The Ukraine is a manufactured crisis as was a poorly cobbled together nation at inception.
    Under the worst of western influence it is a corrupt cesspool of money laundering, dirty industries, and human trafficking, that doesn't benefit either of two major ethnic groups that despise one another and are easily manipulated.
    The apology between Taiwan and Ukraine is hilarious. Ukraine government an agencies of the CIA. Taiwan autonomous.
    Ukraine is lowest standard of living in Europe. Taiwan is an economical powerhouse.
    Defending the Ukraine is defending the worst practice of the west. Defending Taiwan is defending the best.
    Putin is not my favorite leader however compared to those in the west name one that actually cares more about their people?

  11. Is this anchorman suppose to be a journalist or a propaganda parrot?
    Sky News please find your fair , honest, non partisan journalistic reporting. Otherwise your disingenuous to the viewers.

  12. The 300thousandplus are just grandfather's and young Russians taken from the outer regions of Russia . And closer to Moscow if you open your mouth about the war its a one way ticket to ukraine but don't call them soldiers in the context as defined in nato or America they are civilians

  13. A different channel told me Putin started coughing uncontrollably and Doctors we're called to save his life?
    Edit: America's military industrial complex is great at making a profit on the stock market but they're terrible at rushing weapons off an assembly line. This is why future plans for Ukraine as Festung Europe are pushed out to 2025.

  14. conscript? another lie…it is very specific, reservists with military experience is the truth.. to protestors are not even reservists but CIA agents like in Hong Kong and many countries

  15. Battle field always changes, winning one battle is a huge cost by the neo-naziz is not a humiliation of Russians..thinking back the Americans are always humiliated in all the wars that they have started and their soldiers went back in body bags…this news is very biased..full of pretenses and propaganda..

  16. 6:30 No. It`s because in the last 10 years or so some 3 mln Ukrainians have been working in Poland and bringing their earnings back home so now Russian soldiers from rural Russia are astonished to find lots of items in the Ukrainian homes they plunder that are totally beyond their means back in backwater Russia. Millions of Ukrainians have been comparing what their western neighbour – Poland – has to offer its people versus what kind of lives their relatives in the Russian Federation can afford, and they decided they don`t want to be part of the Russian world. Poland and its crucial role in Ukraine during this war and before is hardly ever mentioned in the media broadcasts. No amount of weapons sent by the US and others would make a difference if Ukrainians themselves didn`t mind being part of Russia – which they were only 30 years ago.

  17. Once again sabre rattling by putin and desperation Ukraine 🇺🇦 has been attacking crimea for several weeks/ months doesn't putin consider crimea part of Russia , no nukes just bluff and desperation.

  18. Putins Army is smashed???????? Dude ….. Tell the truth….. Putin has so far only used 0.8% of its troops in this fight….. They have a potential 30 million troops to draw on, so far they have only called up 200,000. Leave Russia alone… do you really think that none of us have been watching Russiagate Propaganda…. This is a NATO war of aggression…. Why don't you tell people about the Oligarchs and the end of the cold war, and how Putin Rebuilt Russia…….. You are just another Dirty Rat!


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