Chiefs fan’s mom defends son after critics call him racist | Morning in America

A young Kansas City Chiefs fan is being accused by some of being racist against Black and Native Americans for painting his face …


38 thoughts on “Chiefs fan’s mom defends son after critics call him racist | Morning in America”

  1. This guy also need to call out the infamous Raiders fan who paints half his face black and silver, and he probably would if he hadn’t already known that fan is a black loyal Raiders fan in a menacing pirate costume. 😂

  2. Race baiting Writer did not interview the boy or his parents. We’ve seen painted faces and bodies at lots of football games. Writer deserves to be sued for slander. Really it’s time to stop the race grifting.

  3. I can't believe this is even happening adults pickin on 9yr olds how pathetic. And there's nothing wrong with what he did in the first place. How this whole blackface got started in the first place is a joke. shoulda never gave them any power to even think they can control this kinda of narrative.

  4. The Kansas City Chiefs should actually Sue Deadspin on the kids behalf for defamation…… The Chiefs should also give the kid a free home ticket on the basis he wears the headress and paints his face again…….

  5. There are kids his age harassing and assaulting people, defacing public property, setting animals on fire, stealing cars, and worse, but yeah okay…let’s all go after this one.

  6. Imagine claiming Native American while looking like you're from Northwestern Europe. No, this guy isn't Native American when his ancestors decided to breed with whites. Want real Natives? Peru, Guatemala, Bolivia.

    This kid is about as Native as Kim Jong Un is German. None.

  7. The father, grandfather, and tribe needs to sue this so called journalist, his employer, and any one that perpetuated this ridiculous racist defamation. They should be awarded millions for themselves and to help their tribal organization. Period.

  8. The didn’t respond cuz they know they were wrong they thought everyone was gonna be on their side but the moment people where disagreeing they just hid behind the internet stupid lil fucks

  9. What a disrespect to our Dakota people and ancestors!!! Obviously you have no knowledge of your native or indigenous history.
    I am very angry and upset that this disrespect and dishonor is PROMOTED AND ENCOURAGED. The place for this particular "tawa paha" – headpiece is not at a football game or any other non-native gathering. We honor our leaders by placing this particular headpiece on them with very stringent SPIRITUAL protocols. You are chosen by other "tawa paha" society members to wear this head piece – of course if you have no knowledge of where you come from and who you are as a Native person – then it won't matter to you. There a special family-extended family-community-and national- ceremonies that must be fulfilled in order for this headpiece to be bestowed to you. In the "real" native community-it is understood that you just can't pick one up and put it on.
    You are just like the people who mimic our spiritually to promote fake respect for us.
    Please stop promoting YOUR fake respect – there are/was/will be continuous protests against these racist actions-we have barely made small inroads against mascots – which is what you are.
    Please stop – you have no clue what you do with promoting Native American racism!

  10. Really the people can be monsters and criticizing a little boy who was just trying to enjoy a good game he didn’t mean no disrespect and wasn’t being a racist I hope the people that said those bad things to that bad gets sue and punish for being assholes

  11. Deadspin is dead news, if you can even call it that. A little gossip blog. Not real journalism. The Chief's colors are black and red. People have nothing better to do than to blow something so innocent out of proportion. Hope they get whats coming to them.😂😂


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