Chief Judge Prohibits Journalist From Recording His Own Trial! Where's The Transparency?

Fellow Patriots & Freedom lovers, as most of you know I will be having a jury trial in Danbury Connecticut shortly. If you don’t know about the corruption and tyranny happening in Danbury I’ve linked a video explaining everything below. I recently submitted an application to the Chief Court Administrator in Connecticut so that I would be able to record my trial and share it with the People for transparency & accountability. I was denied my application without an appeal process or a reason. Why does our government hate transparency. Let me know your thoughts in the comments! Please be sure to hit the like button and share! it truly helps spread this around for more Patriots to see it and I appreciate it!

Video Showing The Corruption & Tyranny In Danbury, Connecticut:

If you feel the need to peacefully petition your grievances to your government OR commend any public servants on their behavior regarding this incident I will leave public contact information below. Always remember, this is your right under the 1st Amendment to the U.S Constitution!

Office of the Chief Court Administrator, Connecticut
(860) 757-2100

Hon. Patrick L. Carroll III, Chief Court Administrator
[email protected]

External Affairs Division
Connecticut Judicial Branch

Michael J. Snyder, Administrative Trainee
[email protected]

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Disclaimer :
Video is for educational purpose only,
The legal topics covered in Long Island Audit are designed to be educational
and informative , and should not serve as legal advice under any circumstances. The contents of this video is in no way intended to provoke,
incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens about constitutionally protected activities, law, and civilian rights, and emphasize
the importance of constitutional awareness.


33 thoughts on “Chief Judge Prohibits Journalist From Recording His Own Trial! Where's The Transparency?”

  1. I want to thank all of you for your continued support! It truly means the world to me! No matter what obstacles I face on this fight for transparency & accountability from our government, I know I have the strength to overcome it thanks to all your support!

  2. The judge shouldn't be allowed to come out of retirement to prosecute a case. If the current states attorney won't prosecute the case then no one else should be allowed to.

  3. And also, in the Berwyn Case, you wanted to film in there as well and the Cameraman who everyone thought was an actual Cameraman from ABC was not a member of ABC but a close friend or supporter but either way you're still not the media and you don't disseminate anything from your videos, You "POST THEM" Stupid and then again what's there to disseminate?

    All you're after is Reactions and pocketing money from Youtube, Facebook and Gofundme.

    Clown 🤡🤡

  4. First your caption is wrong. You are not a journalist and the judge has the right under the 10th amendment to say who can record in his court room. You do not disseminate matter of interest to the public. You show clips you record from your cell phone on youtube. Looks like they do not see that you are any type of media but just a youtuber. Nothing you can do

  5. They can’t get rich with transparency for the people …. And for sure they won’t make life easy for you by having transparency either … we the people isn’t on the agenda…. Or is it

  6. I find you to be so kind and courteous and willing to explain the law to these cops. The cops are tyrannical, rude, nasty and bullies. Every citizen should be terrified first than outraged. This issue of tyrannical cops is surreal.

  7. Now the best activisim is the lawful aktivisim ^^ everyone should send request if they can record it 😉

    I mean knowing that they have to read all the emails and open up a lot of letters making the request 😅

  8. You can bet that the Court Administrator went to you YouTube channel, watched a couple of videos, and concluded that you aren't a journalist nor are you involved in dissemination of news. You go out and pick fights hoping for clicks and views.

  9. For crying out loud the corruption is so freaking deep man. So the new state's attorney doesn't want the negative publicity of finding you guilty so he reaches out to the retired state's attorney to come back in and find you guilty why, because he absolutely has nothing to lose!! This corruption absolutely is blowing my freaking mind. GD all of these low life freaking rotten garbage pieces of crap!!! This is completely unreal!!! This is like something from The Twilight zone movie! These corrupt tyrant people are the very reason people in this country are taking the law into their own hands. God damn every one of these people!!!!! You know I tried to think of their families as being innocent but even then they are being rewarded for the corruption of their parents. The children of these tyrant parents know that they have privilege over everybody else! GD all of these no good rotten tyrants!!!!!!!!

  10. Two observations or opinions here: 1) The so-called Chief Court Administrator (treasonous tyrant PATRICK CARROLL III) denying your "request to be credentialed media", could and should be challenged in Federal Court all the way to the Supreme Court, as it is a DENIAL of your First Amendment Right (Freedom of the Press). We don't lose our rights simply because it is a courtroom, or a Government building.

    The only way we do, is if we never challenge the loss of Rights under 18 U.S. Code § 242 and other Federal (and State) Statutes. This challenge, unfortunately, may in the end, have to come in the form of violence (overwhelming force of the people for actual Justice and Truth, and to FORCE the government to honor and uphold our rights OR face the political and criminal consequences and be removed from office). Why do I say this? Because there is a good chance, the Supreme Court (and other courts) being comprised of Judges, may make the wrong Ruling, based upon their own personal Bias.

    2) The Prosecutor coming out of retirement, illustrates the main problem in the Profession, in our Legal System/ Criminal Justice System/ Government/ and University Law Schools: Where they value the injustice and the false perception of personal VICTORY in prosecuting cases over all else -Justice, Truth, Facts, Innocence, and Law, -regardless of whether or not the indicted victim is actually innocent or guilty. They don't care.

    This is not the way the System was originally founded. It is an evolution of neo-Marxist tenured professors in Law Schools, and the parents of Law Students (who are likely Lawyers, Judges, or Politicians, themselves) who brainwash Americans that the Constitution is irrelevant as far as the law and criminal justice system is involved.

    Lastly but truthfully and factually: The Government is merely comprised of people, -individuals. And if they are so tyrannical, treasonous, and corrupt, by any realistic measure they have already made it clear, that the only thing they actually fear is violence. They may not even fear this violence yet, because it has not yet come upon them.

    That however, is unfortunately and ultimately the toll that will be exacted upon them (because it's the only thing they understand and the only way the system will change and progress/ improve). They use this power of the gun (Law Enforcement Officers at their disposal), to enforce their Tyranny/ Treason/ and Feelings over actual Law, Blind Justice, and the Constitution (Supreme Law).

    If they have power, their power is [or their office originally was] derived in the very same way as our power: At the barrel of a gun (as was supposedly stated by the Tyrant Mao Zedong. Our Founding Fathers most definitely knew this was true. And this Gun (and our technological ability to manufacture them in the Connecticut [River] Valley (of all places), literally the First Silicon Valley in the World due to the innovation there of Machine Tools and Interchangeable Parts by Eli Whitney (among others), is the only reason we are [supposedly] a free people and [supposedly] an independent sovereign nation today.

    The innovations made in the Connecticut Valley, are the foundation and basis for the entire modern world (due to the Machine Tools, Lathes, Mills, Dies, Micrometers, Process Technology, Interchangeable Parts, etc. etc. innovated there.

  11. You look like a old crookedness so it's finest core you need to be fired and in contempt of payment for the last 10 years in the payback the city if it's 10 to 18 trillion dollar these dudes get paid Lots of dollars hardtop still working money he's doing corruption he been doing it for their with no accounts

  12. Right my brother long Island audit you doing the right and they're scared why they're corrupt they're trying to cover up they're trying to rehire a retired corrupt Judiciary System that's what these old cooking this want to come up I want to put things on the record to show her corrupt they are



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