Chicks on Mars

Scott Ott vexes me with this one: a study apparently shows that an all-female crew would cut significantly on consumables and have other weight (actually mass) savings as well. But what if they left something out of their equations?

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38 thoughts on “Chicks on Mars”

  1. If the goal is diversity, the crew should include one gay, one trans, one black, one asian, one hispanic, one indigenous person from each continent, one tall, one short, one skinny, one 'healthy at any size', one bald, and one disabled person.. and then one straight man to do the work and take the blame when the spaceship explodes in space.

  2. The logistics argument is at least grounded in the math and reality of the situation. Going to Moon and Mars: hard. Going there with people? Harder.

  3. Those "Scientist" never watched an episode Bear Grills' island survivor series with men on one island and women on a "sister" island. There are times when the women make it out good, but rarely on their own without some manner of assist. And when talking organization\structure and team work, the ladies rarely pass muster due to the power struggle. Bill has it right, send the best, but it would likely be mostly men, and the social consequence of men and women will be the next hurdle because people are going to people; time until peopling is the question.

    But I ain't one to gossip… .

  4. If we ever colonize Mars, we'll need both sexes. Until then, crews need to be single-sex to prevent social/sexual problems and pregnancies, and groups of men typically get along better than groups of women.

    Resource requirements are a legitimate concern, but women also need more hygiene products than men, so that offsets some of the advantages. Unless, of course, the women all have hysterectomies, in which case, it might actually make more sense to send all women. Having a female crew sterilized will also prevent a lot of the social problems that arise in groups of women

  5. This Martian maiden looks a treat!
    But top-to-toe she's sixteen feet!
    So hard-luck spaceman there's no joy,
    When giant girl meets six-foot boy.

  6. Iโ€™ve got the perfect crew do the first trip to Mars: telephone sanitizers, hair dressers, account executives, tired TV producers and any other redundant population: or they could make up a crew of men 5โ€™4โ€ and under. Itโ€™s my understanding they canโ€™t get any dates.

  7. The pioneers that go to Mars must be the best that we have. Any of those who follow can be as diverse as they like, but they will be standing on the work that the first have done.

  8. Being at sea with women blows. Doing anything in the military with women blows. They get special rules, make excuses, get pandered to, they don't work as hard or as much and inevitably some are screwing a lot of people. If a guy did that you put a foot in his ass and bam we're done. Not for a woman. Half the time they cry. The drama of having accommodate them is a pain.

  9. SpaceX is planning on an 80 day (2.5 month ) journey during "mars opposition", when earth is positioned between mars and the sun. In the past, electronics needed to be designed to fit the available space, with Starship they will use off the shelf components because it's so f*cking big. The savings of sex differences will be negligible compared to other concerns, like big tanks of water to absorb radiation.

  10. If we want to save resources per body, why not send midgets? These three gentlemen have the argument well in hand. We send the people who are best suited for the job.


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