Chengdu J-20 Mighty Dragon | Our speculations about China’s 5th generation fighter

We are investigating and making speculations about whether the Chinese fifth-generation fighter J-20, whose NATO reporting name is Fagin, is a game changer or only a bubble. #j20 #aviation #plaaf

Due to some copyright issues, we had to remake our Chengdu J-20 Mighty Dragon video.

Is the J-20 a mature and mighty dragon or a newly hatched baby one?
What are the advantages of a two-seat fifth-generation fighter?
Is the J-20 a true 5th generation fighter?
Are the stealth fighter jets as stealthy as we think?

00:00 Introduction
00:50 Programme history
02:37 Specifications
03:30 Technical analysis
07:48 Analysis

Welcome to our channel. All the weapon systems are like books. They tell us their stories. The Weapon Detective investigates these books, reads between the lines, analyses, and tells the untold. At the dawn of the Second Cold War, the fruits of new projects give us clues about the future. But current weapon systems also have their own stories. You can find in our videos technical information, historical backgrounds, what happened during the development processes, combat experience and political projection. Let’s investigate the weapons together when the Second Cold War is rising.

© Xinhua, CCTV, Global News, People’s Liberation Army Air Force, Ministry of National Defense of the People’s Republic of China, CGTN, Lockheed Martin, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, Defense Visual Information Distribution Service, U.S. Department of Defense, Indian Air Force, French Air and Space Force, NASA, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, MBDA, U.S. Navy, San Diego Air and Space Museum, Eon Productions, Cruise/Wagner Productions, Smithsonian Channel, Al Jazeera English, TRT Belgesel, Thales, Defence Jobs Australia, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Cargospotter, IRNA, Boeing, Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom

Music: 中国空军进行曲 (March of the Chinese Air Force)

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39 thoughts on “Chengdu J-20 Mighty Dragon | Our speculations about China’s 5th generation fighter”

  1. J-20 doesn't carry autocannons is not a problem from the Chinese perspective. The J-20 is not envisioned to be used for dogfight; instead, it will use its high speed and stealth to penetrate enemy airspace and attack with precision weapons, or conduct interception of enemy aircraft with air-to-air missiles and then quickly escape.

    Once approached by the enemy, the J-20 can be defeated by older fighters, but with the advantage of advance detection (strong radar, stealth design), the pilot will limit that from happening.

    It is also important to note the fact that the Chinese have a strategy of using older fighter aircraft to charge first and letting more modern aircraft follow – as witnessed in the Taiwan Strait incidents. In this case, in front of the J-20 will be a large flock of 3rd and 4th generation fighters that will act as pawns protecting the J-20. The enemy will be busy dealing with them, while the J-20s, far behind them, will picking them off one by one.

  2. The American professional military magazine "Military Observer" commented: After the Chinese J-20 stealth fighter is equipped with the WS-15 engine, its performance exceeds that of the F22 fighter, forming a crushing trend against the F35 fighter.
    The US. once a forerunner in weapon development, is now chasing up with China, and the new AIM-260 could be a copycat of the PL-15 air-to-air missile in terms of applied technologies.
    According to estimates from military media in many countries, the actual capability of the PLA's PL-15 air-to-air missile has exceeded 300 kilometers.
    The PL-21 is an active radar-guided ultra-long-range air-to-air missile that can shoot down any maneuverable aircraft within a range of 300-500 kilometers. It has the ability to intercepting cruise missiles and remotely destroy enemy early warning aircraft, electronic warfare aircraft, aerial tankers and other special aircraft, fundamentally weakening the opponent's air combat system or even the entire combat system capability, directly change the battlefield pattern. The PL21 is also recognized as the number one air-to-air missile in the world.
    Get your facts straight the WS15 has a higher thrust (19T w afterburmer) than the F119 of the F22A (17T w afterburner). With the WS15, the J20B will completely surpass the F22A and the F35A in terms of speed, super cruise(speculated top speed of mach 2.8), AAM(PL-15/21) and maneuverability. It's avionics and radar is better than the F22A and F35A.
    July 2023,Charles Q. Brown Jr. (U.S. top military commander-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, former Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force) :
    It is difficult for us to parry against our main opponent. The US military's ability to defend and attack in the field of electromagnetic spectrum has been weakened due to decades of decline. As a result, the U.S. military appears vulnerable in high-tech warfare, especially in Electronic warfare.

  3. Another wonderful video about the 5th generation fighter J-20 designed by China 🇨🇳…video clearly explained all its characteristics also sufficiently labeled to its designed background…thank you respectful ( weapon detective 🕵️‍♂️ 🕵️‍♀️) channel for sharing this remarkable video

  4. The exposed engine fans are the glaring weakness of the J-20, it's like putting giant barn doors on either side of your stealth aircraft, and because of that it sticks out on both search and target radar screens like a sore thumb if it's coming at you from what few publicly available interception accounts their are. That being said all signs point to it being an incredible design if and when China can ever get their own engine programs up and running, because right now with the Saturns it underperforms somewhat.

  5. Even without the HMD the pilot on J 20 still have many sensors like EOTS or DAS (pretty similar to F 35) to understand the combat environment around him. Just like the F 22 which also doesn't have HMD but still a very capable jet fighter.

  6. Great video as usual but i especially liked your views about stealth technology, and it's definitely not the best thing since sliced bread, as we are lead to believe.

  7. Stealing secrets for stealth and other technology is like copying the answers from someone on your math homework. Sure, you got all the correct answers. But how do you do the next assignment? Eventually the PRC is going to have to actually develop their own tech instead of making knock offs.

  8. It’s always a fools gambit to assume you’re the best in the world (gotta confirm it like the US, and continue to imagine you’re gonna be playing catch up if you don’t start with the best). That said, the J-20 is more than likely a propaganda piece than a truly superior jet. US jets can do everything the J-20 can (if not better) with just one pilot. That and they still can’t make a phone that has a chip smaller than 7nm. If their domestic tech can’t hit modern day levels, I can’t imagine how actually lacking military tech is. And that’s after corruption steals about 60% of the budget to make the thing. The smartest thing to do at the end of the day though is to assume the J-20 is in fact this monsterous beast China claims, and create countermeasures for that eventuality. If it turns out to be what most think it is, the. Our current AA capabilities will be more than enough.

  9. TR module doesn't mean J 20 radar is better than APG 77

    Stupid channel

    US also has AIM 120D and F 22 can be equipped with 6 AMRAAM internally unlike China J 20 have 4 BVR internal capability only so despite PL 15 supposed light years range …F 22 still has the advantage

    Also F 117 Nighthaawk also was taken down due to pilot error which was opening the bomb bay door where he was advised not to

  10. The only Western people who belittle Chinese stealth capacity are those who dreams upto being high school sweethearts, sucks at math and never made their own bed, and very likely to never be able to go to a good college

  11. J 45 insansız savaş uçağı tasarım olarak yaptım burun kısmına 5000kw lazer topunu entegre ettim kanat kısmına 9000 kw lazer topunu entegre ettim insansı robot pilotlar kullanacak

  12. Adding to your predictions of possible stealth tracking capabilities, there is also RWR triangulation. With datalink it is possible that it could provide data accurate enough to launch an AAM against a F-22/35 with the radar on.

  13. Whats makes US thinks that China is not doing its version of NGAD program, and the claims on China is inferior in electronic warfare is as ridiculous as claiming Huawei 5G telecom tech is stole from US.

  14. The CCP lies about absolutely everything, especially when it comes to programs with so much face at stake. Maybe the J20 is a good plane. Maybe not. But it’d be folly to take anything the PRC says at face value. However, I don’t mind the U.S. overreacting to or using things like the Foxbat or the J20 to get tons of money to produce overpowering platforms.

  15. One of my concerns is not addressed, the side looking radar panels on the air intakes. This could mean better combat awareness, and maybe the ability to guide missiles even after turning away to defend.

  16. These videos would be far more enjoyable if you stopped needling some of your viewers. Those jabs are completely unnecessary and childish, to be honest. Please keep to the facts in the future.

  17. I think J-20 really has something far superior than 4th gen fighters, can't say how close it is to F-35 or F-22, but certain far more superior than Su-30 family, otherwise China would have given it up long time ago
    Chengdu aircraft company has far less political influence then Shenyang aircraft company (which is the licensee builder of Su-27/30 series — J11, J15, J16), so if Chengdu's product chosen as mainstream asset in PLAAF, it very likely means this product indeed is overwhelmingly superior.


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