Cheating wife and an evil mother, husband decides enough is enough #cheating #betrayal #audiostory

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Cheating wife wrecked

Cheating wife and an evil mother, husband decides enough is enough

#cheating #betrayal #cheatinginrelationships #audiostory


10 thoughts on “Cheating wife and an evil mother, husband decides enough is enough #cheating #betrayal #audiostory”

  1. I like how this story had a more reasonable ending this time. Didnt end with this guy finding a random 10/10 model who is super sweet and ends up marrying 6 months later (which is a recipe for disaster statistically to get married twice and so soon) and has a child shortly after the wedding. Instead, he's just focused on his grind, is in therapy, and is just looking to better his life on his own. You don't have to be in a relationship to be happy.


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