Cheat! Episode 6026

Check out the Wii launch with Kristin Holt on the special episode of Cheat!

For reasons inexplicable, I uploaded this episode on 3/6/2021, but it was never made public. NOW IT IS.

Copyright… G4 Media… ???


20 thoughts on “Cheat! Episode 6026”

  1. Honestly if G4 just re-aired old shows like ninja warrior, attack of the show, X-play, Cheat and those game trailers that only aired at like 5am in the morning and just sprinkled in some new gaming content/anime it would of been a success.

    Most people who watched anyways wanted to relive the nostalgia of being younger in another time instead we got alienated and spoon fed some PC BS.

    What’s also sad is the lack of advertisement and self promotion of the comeback. I literally only heard of G4 being back when it got canceled and the reason why..I’m in my mid 20s (target audience) and found out G4 was back only because of its demise now that’s just sad. I hope G4 comes back with competent leadership that know how to spear head and capitalize on the lost glory of G4 I know it’s possible and I still believe in the comeback. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk 👋🎃


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