Charmed: A New Generation! 2×19! "Attack of the Psychos!"


“It’s the anniversary of the Hale fire, and also the anniversary of Laura’s death, and Derek just wants to get through it with Stiles. They decide to head to the preserve for the day to feel closer to the Hale family but before they can leave the manor, Derek decides to go to the attic to just breathe for a few minutes. However, Derek is attacked and telekinetically pinned starfished to the wall by none other the Jennifer Blake, or really known as Julia. Standing beside her is none other than Kate Argent. After Stiles, Scott, and Syrus try to take the two women down and help Derek, somehow the women strip the brothers of all their active powers. After Piper helps the brothers and Cayla and Andy bring the entire Hale-McCall pack to the manor. Turns out demons brought them back, gave Kate the power of throwing fireballs and Jennifer the power of throwing energy balls, and got a whole lot of demons to attack the entire pack. After a few minutes of battling, the demons knocked out Stiles and the demons, Kate, and Jennifer kidnapped him and Derek with no way of finding them. Syrus and Scott are trying everything they can to do something, they realize they can still cast spells and still have the power of three. While they try to get to Stiles and Derek, Kate uses metal cuffs drilled into the ground and laced with wolfsbane to trap Derek in a starfished position on the ground of an abandoned warehouse. while having Stiles tied to some large chair with restraint straps that’s used for mental hospital patients. Kate strips Derek and rapes him with Derek having no way to defend themselves while Jennifer and some demons taunt Stiles with how he can’t protect Derek. When Kate’s finishing up raping Derek, Syrus and Scott finally cast a spell to take them to where they all are. Even though they came loaded with potions to arm themselves, none of them would work and the ropes tied around Stiles would electrocute anyone who tried to undo them, while also electrocuting Stiles as well. A demon walks up behind Scott and gasses him with wolfsbane gas, causing Scott to pass out and leaving Syrus as the only one left to fight, without powers. While distracted, Jennifer sneaks up on a roof beam and drops down and stabs Syrus’ neck with a syringe and injects him with something. The second she pulls it out, Syrus kicks his foot out behind him sending Jennifer flying backwards. Immediately loosing feeling in everything below his neck, Syrus realized it was kanima venom and ends dropping to the floor paralyzed. Apparently Kate and Jennifer convinced a young teenage witch that they were friends of the brothers and that Kate and Jennifer needed her help to help save the boys. Which is how theyvgit the power stripping potion and apparently a potion that makes anyone who drinks it relive the worst moments in their lives, possibly even killing them because it makes you feel any physical pain caused in those moments. Kate force feeds it into Syrus’ mouth and then into Derek’s. After having the potion takes affect and feels how strong it is, Syrus Castaic a spell to connect his Derek’s mind limbos so they can help each other through the pain, both physical and emotional. Will Syrus and Derek survive the potion? If they do, will Syrus be able to save his brothers as well? Will they get their powers back? Will Derek be able to pull himself together after realizing he’s been raped again by the same woman who raped him as a teenager?”


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