Character Hairstyles – Dark Souls 3 VS Elden Ring


38 thoughts on “Character Hairstyles – Dark Souls 3 VS Elden Ring”

  1. Finally they don't look like horrible abominations that we can transform into even more horrible abominations anymore. Now they look like actual human beings that we can transform into horrible abominations!

  2. Thank you bluepoint and Sony for caring about other races and providing black hair options! You’d think from software would learn from this and at least add one like dark souls 2 but no! So unfortunately because of my skin color I once again can’t play a from software game.

  3. Twas a dark day indeed for the tarnished ones where stuck in the character creation menu forever questioning which hairstyle to choose what color hair they wanted whilst the tarnished ones repeated this vicious cycle the world fell further into darkness and from software took over the world


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