Chapo Trap House: Reviewing Gutsy

The gang reviews the new Hilary and Chelsea Clinton Show, Gutsy. from episode 663


27 thoughts on “Chapo Trap House: Reviewing Gutsy”

  1. The deadair after "freedom rings" is my favorite thing. I feel like I could curl up and die inside of that haunting silence like an old dog who wandered off the farm.

  2. Nah, i know you guys go full "look at me im an intellectual" all the time but this isn't "theater of the mind" that makes no sense and just sounds smart. This is just bad Clintons doing bad tv haha

  3. got a torrent of the series due to self hatred:

    'gutsy' is an unpleasant word. it sounds gross, it feels gross to say. there are surely thousands of better titles for this

    for some reason i have a crush on chelsea? she reminds me of every lib overachiever in school in the most horrible way

  4. I'm so glad to see this reuploaded.
    I'll repeat the comment I put in the last one; It's so wild how much of this inadvertently creates a psychological profile of the clintons. the sheer refusal to look less than perfect on Hillary's part that the show just contorts and edits reality around her, and just how bad I end up feeling for Chelsea because of just how utterly fucked up her upbringing was. it's so fucking insane

  5. 18:33 what bugs me about the “well men have boner pills” argument for a male medical conspiracy is firstly viagra was sort of a happy accident I think they were trying to make a heart medicine. (Lol happy accident for a happy ending) but also it’s a distraction from real issues like the fact that women weren’t included in medical trials until 1986 and it wasn’t until the 90’s that it was federal law they were included in medical studies.

    This has almost certainly had an overwhelmingly adverse effect on women’s health. The fact that even today women face bias in treatment where the same presentation of illness a man would have isn’t taken seriously or ignored for women.

    It’s certainly gotten better but then the Supreme Court attacked women’s healthcare outright and access to birth control, emergency medical abortions are both limited in many states causing women to hemorrhage out when they could have lived . Worst of all we arrest women for having miscarriages.

  6. Hillary is, like, the reincarnation of some Medieval tyrant who kept a forest of crucified people around his keep for decoration. Same old heartless evil, same legacy of unspeakable violence, but because she's an American woman of the modern era, she has to go on TV and smile and nod while celebrities say things instead of being the Lord Humungus.


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