Chaos Space Marines vs Blood Angels – Round 1 Game 3 – Warhammer 40k Battle Report

The Tabletop Titans Tournament: The Third continues as Two melee armies clash in this brutal and bloody matchup! Will the Blood Angels speed win out, or is fight on death just too much to handle?
Check out the brackets here and make your predictions!

Tear Down Their Icons (12)

Round 1
Game 1: September 15th, Daemons vs Sisters
Game 2: September 20th, Necrons vs Nids
Game 3: September 22nd, Chaos Space Marines vs Blood Angels
Game 4: September 24th, Tau vs Harlequins


Daemons (Adrian):
Sisters (Jon):
Necrons (Bridger):
Nids (Jon):
Chaos Space Marines (Zach):
Blood Angels (Bridger):
Tau (Zach):
Harlequins (Adrian):


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31 thoughts on “Chaos Space Marines vs Blood Angels – Round 1 Game 3 – Warhammer 40k Battle Report”

  1. I think you played angels sacrifice wrong, as far as I'm aware, not all of the possessed where in engagement range of the priest, so some of them could have fought the sanguinary guard.

  2. I´m getting a CSM army together and am almost done I´m just not sure how to finish it up.

    It´s a patrol detachment with a supreme detachment:
    HQ's: Abaddon – Master of Possession – Dark Apostle
    Troops: 2x 10 Legionaries with each unit having a Balefire Tome
    Elites: 10 Terminators – Master of Executions
    Fast Attack: 1 Venomcrawler
    Heavy Support: 5 Havocs – 2 Obliterators
    Transport: 2 Chaos Rhino's

    Or Drop the Rhino's and the Dark Apostle for Haarken and 5 Raptors, im leaning more towards having the Rhino's cause it looks cool on display.

  3. Yvahras are awesome and what got me into Tau so many years ago. Their flamer needs another rework, better than pre nerf even, and definitely needs to get back to multi damage and something to fear. They could also rework their massive jet pack and put in some swooping hawk-ish redeploy, albeit toned down perhaps to keep them from being too oppressive.

    Either way I miss using mine 😕

  4. It would be hilarious if mass of doom lasted the whole game haha. it says while "the litany is inspiring", which I believe are always round based. I have never heard of anyone playing mass of doom like this, it would be so OP if you could buff 2/3 units for multiple turns.

  5. I've got 2 out of the 3 matches right, but my bracket gets more risky in later rounds so even if I get the next one right I probably get both wrong in the next round.

  6. Hey Bridger turn one your attack with your assault Marines against the chaos Marines where you had them spaced out the five man I believe he had a space a little too far apart for the number of attacks that you did he only gets a half inch in between the first Rank and the second rank so the guys stayed in two inches apart behind the first guy would not get to attack you should have only had one guy attacking didn't really matter cuz you didn't hit anyway but future reference

  7. Hey Zack have you been hitting the herbal remedies for the show during the show the conversation you had during Bridgers turn was incredibly confusing the items that you spoke of I have not seen or heard of much if at all or maybe it was me who was inbibing in herbal remedies before the show and possibly during the show anyway just let you know love the shows thank you again for producing this one Mel


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