Challenger Teemo 13.16 Matchup Tierlist | Thoughts and Explanations

I only have one monitor right now, so instead of streaming i made this youtube video! Please leave a comment with any questions or comments and I will get back to you! Also my twitch is now TyG_ since riot made me change it!


23 thoughts on “Challenger Teemo 13.16 Matchup Tierlist | Thoughts and Explanations”

  1. i have a question for the Yorick matchup i feel like everytime i play against him they go full lethality and just stack their q under tower then hit a w on me and e afterwords i just cant seem to figure out how to dodge it inside w

  2. I always stuggle the most vs aatrox and morde. Maybe it's cuz of spacing, but if I dont die and play safe, they are even harder to beat later on. If I die it's over.

  3. Excellent video @Ty_G (aka Yung Fap)! Yorick's the worst for me… there's a fellow comment below about his combo on Teemo, so would really help if you could go into a bit more detail for us πŸ˜‰

  4. I know I haven't played top level players on these champs so maybe it's a bit more difficult. But I still think Cho'gath is so easy, basically free win. Idk I just think his Q's are so predictable & slow that I've never really struggled. The matchup I need to improve on is Irelia, idk I just always seem to mess up and get dicked on in the matchup, I swear my taimo does less dmg than yalls in that specific matchup lmfao

  5. I feel like when i fight Sion i do good against him at first but he gets so tanky its hard to kill him do i just ping jungle for help or just chill in lane till one of us leaves πŸ§β“


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