Censorship in Nazi Germany

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On the evening of the 10th May 1933 a crowd of 40,000 Germans gathered in Berlin’s Opera Square to listen to a speech by one of Hitler’s closest advisors, Germany’s Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda: Joseph Goebbels..

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Created by Daniel Turner (B.A. (Hons) in History, University College London)


Chris Kane

Evans, R. J. 2005. The coming of the Third Reich. London, Penguin.

Evans, R. J. 2009. The Third Reich at War: how the Nazis led Germany from conquest to disaster. London, Penguin Books.

Jones, D. 2015. Censorship: a world encyclopedia. Volume 1-4 Volume 1-4. http://site.ebrary.com/id/11058165.

Lewy, Guenter. 2020. Harmful and Undesirable: Book Censorship in Nazi Germany. S.l.: Oxford University Press US

Longerich, P. 2016. Goebbels: a biography. London, Vintage.

Manvell, R., & Fraenkel, H. 2010. Doctor Goebbels: his life and death. Barnsley, Frontline.


31 thoughts on “Censorship in Nazi Germany”

  1. Destruction of pornographic literature, destruction of Red Marxist literature, destruction of literature mocking Germany and it's Christian heritage, destruction of drag bars and underground child trafficking clubs, destruction of Freemasonic temples.

    Seems like a pretty good time, America could use that right about now.

  2. Seems like nazism is an inevitable cycle silencing censoring destroying sounds alot like today so who's the lucky group of minorities to get ethnically cleansed then after we inspire the world to fight us it will happen again somewhere else

  3. What if Adolph Hitler has reincarnated as a Jew? And then what if the Jewish family Hitler has been reincarnated into, lives in a community where Anti-semitism runs high!

  4. I typically like these videos but this one I cant help but hear and see a liberal agenda being pushed even in disguise . Good try guys, good try.

  5. Not quite on the same level in terms of the threat posed by it, but the recent "Don't say gay" laws censoring teachings relating to homosexuality, and local school boards blacklisting books came to mind. State officials passing those laws and parents voting to ban books aren't trying to overthrow the government of course, but they're still limiting information in an attempt to manipulate public perception of minority groups. It's a pretty tough line to walk though, because if all censorship was banned then misinformation or straight up lies could run rampant. I feel like something has to be verifiably true to begin with in order to be protected against censorship, otherwise you could just slander someone and destroy their reputation through lies and claim that it's protected speech.

  6. When I find this riots of the 30s I always think when it comes to censorship back then logically teaching children to do horrific stuff to each other in name progression is disgusting and evil. For some odd reason the Germans are considered evil for fighting evil. The Frankfurt school got what it deserved teaching the destruction of natural law and advocating for children who are under the age of consent to be taken advantage of by liberals and the men with echoing names.


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