Cenk Logic: The Military Industrial Complex


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20 thoughts on “Cenk Logic: The Military Industrial Complex”

  1. The population of Gaza has doubled in just 50 years. America couldn’t even manage that ‘45 – ‘95 despite Boomers, X, Millennials and immigration. Cenk calls the population doubling so quickly a genocide.

  2. Something I've had to explain to people about the MIC is that those companies get paid wether we go to war or not.

    What i need to research more on is how doing business in a war torn or otherwise unstable country is extremely expensive and not profitable.

  3. I'm currently rewatching Star Trek TNG and listening to a podcast along with it called Newbie Star Trek. I can't help but wonder if many of the people Cenk's age and a little bit older got this twisted view of capitalists (ie, would sacrifice anyone and everyone to make profit) after watching TNG and DS9 and latching onto the Ferengi a little too hard. It's such an absolutely ridiculous, over the top caricature, and yet do many people wholeheartedly believe it's reality. Makes no sense unless they were brainwashed from a young age

  4. Ima start this our by saying: I’m a right wing libertarian. I’m very anti war. I think America should have never funded Ukraine or Israel or gotten involved in the Middle East.

    I think it’s totally reasonable to assume defense contractors want war with Iran. We have seen that they have made billions off the previous wars in the Middle East and conflicts like Ukraine. Yeah, some people are a little too bold in their predictions about when a war with Iran will happen but the idea of it happening is not unreasonable by any stretch.

    Also I would like to comment on our support of Israel. I by principle believe in not getting involved in conflicts that do not involve us being directly attacked. I see the devastation fighting these random terror groups for the sake of being the world police has brought. The US has no place in fighting in the Israel-Hámás war! Stephen, because his woke band believes in the idea of us being the world police, wants us to intervene on the side of Israel, which we already are via proxy and spending. The fact that we are funding Israel already proves that the US is not a neutral arbiter of morality. Israel has killed thousands of innocent civilians since October 7 which far eclipses the damage done to Israel. America and gènôçide Joe are funding a mass extermination is Palestinians from their homes. If we followed my idea of not getting involved, then American taxpayer money would not go towards funding war crimes. But since STEPHEN over here wants to get involved in many global conflicts and the government takes his advice, our tax dollars will continue to be used to fund war crimes.

    Also I think it’s disgusting that the US taxpayer has to fund all this. America spent trillions on Iraq and Afghanistan and a new war fighting alongside Israel against a bunch ur rebel groups could cost trillions more dollars and thousands of American lives. America has no obligation towards the safety of Israel or Ukraine or any other citizen group. So long as we aren’t funding war crimes against those groups, it’s not our responsibility what happens. So don’t give me crap about America having a responsibility to “spread democracy” or whatever. You never answered why it’s morally the duty of the taxpayer to pay for all these wars or pay for Ukraine to stay afloat. Because you can’t. And never will be able to.

    Stephen Michael Shill.

  5. I can definitely see why you blocked me on twitter. I was really getting to you and destroying you when I said America shouldn’t fund Ukraine. You stand for a neocon section of the right that most of us hate. The neocons are losing popularity and we WILL vote them out within our lifetime. Shilling for the MIC has made you a soulless goblin. If you ever want to finish our debate, feel free to unblock me. But don’t you dare call Matt Walsh unimportant. He is more important than you will ever be. The anti war faction of the right will win. Why not just become a democrat already? Stephen.

  6. I always see Cenk as projecting when he talks about money. He's so hungry for money. And it's so obvious when he ran. He got so much campaign money but did not nearly use enough on the campaign.


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