Celtic get set to go from 'Green Wall' of noise to Ibrox cauldron // A Celtic State of Mind // ACSOM

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24 thoughts on “Celtic get set to go from 'Green Wall' of noise to Ibrox cauldron // A Celtic State of Mind // ACSOM”

  1. I feel we dont rest any of our starting 11 as this mob will be getting in to weaken us for cup final , i fancy us to beat them 2 or 3 -1 i.d love Kyogo to 😅get at least one hail hail ☘️

  2. Those scenes in Paradise last night will inspire many girls in future imo.
    Knowing they too can wear the Hoops in front of & for our supporters & club.
    Inspirational stuff from the Celtic family, that's who we are 🍀💚🍀

  3. I think the pressure is all going to be on the Paris buns, they have tried and tried to beat us and just can't break us down, they have tried every tacit in the book and it just ain't happened, we are missing some top players so it will make it harder for us, but I still think we will win2-0, no doubt about that, if hatatie starts and is back in for, we have nothing to fear,

  4. If hart playes like the semis he was great, but just not do bomb scares like we no he can down, once again i have no doubt we will win cause ange wants a full winning mentality,

  5. I honestly would celebrate in front of "the" Rangers fans, as I don't give a fk. Though I hope our players celebrate in the middle of the park to avoid missiles as the police will not protect them if past games are an example. Apart from Paul John and Laura, Alan is by far my favourite contributor. I would include Jim Orr, but he was my classmate at school, and we have never been buddies. Abada don't care, just like he doesn't care regardless of what he is now saying. If he told Ange privately he would like to leave, he's gone simple. Again the Maeda nonsense, when are some Celtic supporters going to get a clue. Cannot stand Gordon Strachan very good manager for Celtic scumbag of a human being.

  6. HH all 🍀. I really hope we put on a show tomorrow & beat them handily at 1brox & see their fanatics fleeing the scene to go back & fester in their caves over the summer.

  7. Guy, s ange, and, the, team,, should, abort, this, game, we,, have, won, the, leauge,, they, are, actually, want, to, taunt, us, degrade, us, cause, they, won, nothing, this, season,, coin, s dart, s bottles, fur, what, cause, we, won, the, title, senseless,,

  8. I, say, any, infringement, coin, s bottles, darts, bun, s fan, s attacking, our, player, s then, ange, should, tell, his, player, s tae, get, the, team, of, the he, park, as, this, will,, happen,, guy, s

  9. guys, we, score, first, then, circus, ibrox, will release the animals, and, all hell will break,, loose, id, abandone,, and h8s, game, as it, mean, s nothing, as, were, the, champions,, not, them as, were, will the, taunting, cum, from, obviously,, from them,, bun, s

  10. Guy, s what if jota,, scores, and, he, does, his, fist, of, god,, in, front, of, all they,, cream, bun, s thats, guy, s when, all, hell, will, break,, loose, at, govan, circus, ibrox, as, all, those, animals, will, be, let, loose, god, forbid, honestly,,,

  11. Celtic are demonstrably the best team in Scotland. What does Ange want us to be? More than that. We need better players to be better. Ange has plans to do that this summer. Next season could be a great one.

  12. Whiter than white pious hypocricy from that wee numbers geek Morrison.

    Bottles being thrown at Rangers fans last season from the Celtic fans into the Rangers end at half time, and at the end of the game.

    "Please guarantee our safety, we're frightened"

    Away and take a flying fk to yourselves, ya ambulance chasing weirdos, always the victims and never the instigators, go and look at videos of Celtic fans staying behind an hour after a game giving bigoted and racist abuse to Rangers players making their way to the bus, ya bunch of arrogant hypocrites.

    It's never your fault, is it?

  13. We all know this group of Rangers players hate nothing more than the pressure of performing against Celtic in front of the barbarians.

    There's never been a stage set more appropriately to batter them and there's never been a Celtic team more capable of doing it.


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