Celebrity Medium Tyler Henry Uncovers His Family’s Dark History

Celebrity psychic Tyler Henry recently found himself on the other side of the reading table after uncovering the truth about his family’s own dark history. NBC’s Erin McLaughlin reports for TODAY.

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#Medium #Afterlife #TylerHenry


48 thoughts on “Celebrity Medium Tyler Henry Uncovers His Family’s Dark History”

  1. Wasn’t there a movie or Reenactment about that women that kidnapped one or two girls.

    The little girl remembers her being in a room with a cradle and the women picked her up and leaves in a car. I think she told the mother she was going to to store and that that woman was the babysitter.

    If that is the sane woman that means that the movie or Reenactment was about Tyler’s mom.

    How strange.

    I hope Tyler sat his mom down and told her more of her own situation.
    Why be able to tell everybody else’s business but can’t talk about your own..🤷‍♂️🙅🏼‍♂️😳

  2. Tyler is so well spoken & has such a genuine care & concern for others! I can relate to his mother, because my birth certificate was doctored as well; I was adopted at 3 & my birth parents' names were changed out for my adopted parents' names & there was no reason for that. I also found out about 5 years ago, that I had a different social security number than the one I had now…

  3. He has come out..if you are a Christian do not let him sway you to go against the scriptures that tell us to avoid spiritual mediums. Who knows what spirits he is communing with. He is getting people to do wrong where the Lord is concerned. The Lord said do not follow any spiritual mediums and that still stands. We are to go to and seek the Lord for answer's not to anyone like Henry. So going to someone like Henry for answers instead of the Lord, they are doing wrong in the Lord's eyes.

  4. I’m only speculating and I am in no way saying this true:
    BUT: It would make SO much sense that Tyler’s mum is a victim of abuse.
    —> and being a victim of abuse – she could be easy to pray on.
    I think Tyler is fake and a grief vampire.
    AND that would fit perfectly into him having a mother who is a victim of abuse. Nobody knows how Tyler treats his mum – if everything is just perfect OR if Tyler has become a narcissist trying to take advantage of his mum through childhood and now earns tons of money as a fake medium.
    It’s just speculation from my side, but HE JUST SEEMS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE – and that’s often a huge red flag 🚩
    If I’m totally wrong. Sorry Tyler and mum

  5. It's strange that he claims he can't read people too near to him because his story has been that he began having these psychic experiences when HE KNEW HIS GRANDMOTHER HAD DIED. Now it turns out he didn't even know she wasn't even his biological grandmother?
    I just hope he's very good at cold reading because if he's really having psychic experiences since his murderous grandmother died he must just be getting help from the evil one 👺

  6. Hi Tyley,Rex Mundi here. Fantastic work that you are promoting about mediums. Although there are many charltons out there you are spot on. I've been a medium myself and can i say to you that you yourself need to shut down after a days work.if you dont you will be wakened up every night by spirits wanting to be heard. Look after yourself son. The worlds your oyster. Yours Rex

  7. how gullible people are unfortunatelly…specially women…this guy is obsviously a scam artist trying to be a c-list celebrity even his smile is fake…wake up sheeple!!!!!…only the bible is the fountain of life and truth

  8. I have a fake birth certificate too. Born a girl in1964. Adopted be great parents. But lied to. I always knew and asked. They called me crazy. I would love to know the bio truth.

  9. Wow Tyler looks so different here I never seen the brown hair and he's put weight on and grown His mother seems lk such a great mom and in proof of that is Tyler and how loving he is and their close relationship ❤️


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