Celebrity cartoons SUCK! | Cream Crew #96



on todays episode of cream crew the fellas talk about how most celebrities shouldnt even attempt to create a cartoon show about themselves. we blame the boston tea party, its gotta be related in someway, right?

Apple Podcasts ►https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cream-crew/id1533198834

Spotify ►https://open.spotify.com/show/1jW5rJ21QrWapK2ONTJE8G

For more cream go follow Tom and Don on their twitters and instas:


Definitely DO NOT go follow Hunter anywhere else.

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Meatcanyon ► https://www.youtube.com/meatcanyon

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46 thoughts on “Celebrity cartoons SUCK! | Cream Crew #96”

  1. I played the gear games this year with buddy and we had a great time with the first three but the new one multiplayer is better but the story sucks I had more fun in horde mode and we kept making j9kes while playing they should have ending there in the third one it was I good story that I like and we kept having fun just rolling and it was challenge the gun were cool the Grenada is my fav weapon the chainsaw the 1v1 love this game they should just remastered them and made better controls

  2. Dude of all the cartoons you could've picked for your thumbnail, you went with f is for family? Like, that's one of the few examples of an actually good cartoon coming from a comedian that's completely disconnected from the animation world

  3. Hey thanks guys I worked overnight at a grocery store that scalped toilet paper for profit. Your big brained satirical commentary got me through the pandemic. Hunter Tom and Don I appreciate it keep being artistic

  4. Not going to lie, regarding the whole derivative nature of some video games, I always thought that's basically what Dead space was. A stripped-down version of Halo without the whole manifest destiny of Master Chief where instead of having the focus switch between the covenant and the flood, it just focus on what the flood would do to the universe and stuff. Of course with way more Gore and horror elements.

  5. Hunter accidentally said “vampire” when he meant “pirate” because he was thinking of Ixalan. Personally I like the Vampire Pirates, but I agree that dinosaurs are kinda dumb.

  6. i was FLOORED when i saw that us army toboggon on toms head and i realized just the audacity of this man to assume that mantle of STOLEN VALOR
    i can not BELIEVE the valor that has been SOLD OFF like a SALE ON MACINTOSH DELLS. FUCK.

  7. Its crazy how the big guy from the Midwest looks healthier than the two other pale creatures of the night. they never see the light of day, the reflection is from the computer screen and not the sun from the window.

  8. I'm genuinely surprised Americans haven't done another Boston Tea Party and demanded "no taxation without representation" again. It's 100% clear to anyone without their head in the sand that the US government is completely disregarding the will of the people and not representing the interests of American constituents, so I'm surprised a bunch of Americans haven't decided to repeat that by now. Not even talking about going the next step and actually trying to change anything in the country. I mean that it's weird there hasn't been some social media influencer and their fans/audience taking it upon themselves to stage that as a stunt for the publicity it would bring.

  9. I don't know how much I would trust the internet's version of history given it's lying to everyone and saying Nestle invented white chocolate in the 1930s when it was something that's been around for centuries. How much money do you think Nestle spent to rewrite that part of human history online?


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