Caught on camera: Man opens fire at car wash in self defense

Shots were fired at this car wash in north Miami Beach by Cliff Hanson when three men approached him while he was working on Friday.


34 thoughts on “Caught on camera: Man opens fire at car wash in self defense”

  1. What would you do??
    All my life, I've never been approached by several men with masks. I'm also not a convicted felon. I think there may be a connection here.

  2. “Trying to do like a self defense”???? Who tf is constantly letting their children grow up not being able to communicate correctly????

    That bothered me way more than the case, which is cut and dry.

  3. No. The law is very clear. If you are a convicted felon, you cannot have a gun. Everything is felonious from that point; ie. Felon with a gun: felon shooting a gun: felon fleeing the scene: etc. C'mon people! Don't fall for the "woke" perspective. You can't just change the law when you feel like it.

  4. I don't remember the second amendment saying that felons aren't allowed to have firearms.
    Either way, at most, he should. only get a felon in possession charge. Second degree attempted murder is BS.

  5. I mean, I agree that it was self defense. But at the same time when you commit a felony you’re revoking your rights to things like firearms, he shouldn’t have had a gun. If he is sentenced to jail time, then he needs to do his time and be thankful he’s alive.

  6. The system is broken, time for a new one, because it doesn't make any sense for a person to be arrested for defending their LIFE. Out with the old, in with the new!!

  7. Glad ne envoked his write NOT to speak. 100% selfe defense but he was a felon supposibly in posession of a fire arm. Needs a god lawyer, only charge if any should be felon in posession of fire arm, NOT an attempted murder charge.

  8. Clear case of self defense! Nope wait a minute, the victim is black. Now it’s attempted murder! See how this scenario plays out? I don’t give a damn that he’s a felon! You would be surprised how easy the judicial system places felonies on people. He has a right to defend his life! 🇺🇸

  9. I was told by a former cop that by law a felon can defend themselves with a gun just the same even though they can't own one legally. Back when she was still a cop in Dallas he would've gotten just weapons charges. Probably would've given him probation maybe even just confiscated the gun based off the circumstances.

  10. Okay then charge him with having a gun he shouldn’t have had if THEY HAVE to charge him. Not attempted murder! He defended himself and others around him! Wtf is wrong with this world.


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